Game crash on loading settings

I have a little problem over here. My game crash everytime on “loading settings”, right after I press X on controller to get to main menu. I reinstalled it three times already and didnt help at all. Its happening since last Friday.
PS4, CD version, error code CE-34878-0.
I bought digital version today and same thing is happening but error code is CE-38700-8.
My PSN ID is Whiskoala

Edit: I logged on my brother’s PS account and I launched game without any issues. There must be something wrong with my settings then.

Hi @Whiskoala,

Sorry to hear this.

This may be being caused by corrupted save data. Do you play in Online mode?

If so, I recommend to try deleting your local save data (please note, that doing so will cause any Offline mode progress to be lost. However, all Online mode progress is stored safely on our servers)

Please let me know :slight_smile:

Yes, I’m playing online. I’ll try and let you know. I havent thought about deleting save data :thinking:

It works. Thank you :v:

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Huzzah! Glad to hear that :slight_smile:

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