Fury of the Faithful stopped by a single hit

Issue Type (Required):

Player Mechanics

Issue Description (Required):

Fury of the Faithful charge is stopped by taking a hit, most noticeably a ranged hit.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Play the game and use FoF while getting shot at.

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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People still not religiously running TWBS on their Zealot builds a year after release SMH my head

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If it is required to function it is a talent tax and thus should be base kit. Besides this happens when uninterruptible too

Also never used to happen before the talent tree.


Sorry I thought the “SMH my head” would give away that I was mostly memeing. Though I am genuinely a little shocked there are any Zealots left not forcing this into every build (not because it’s mandatory just because it’s so valuable) but TBC I do not think getting interrupted out of FotF without it is a good mechanic.

Are you saying you’ve been interrupted with TWBS equipped before though in that second sentence? Cause that’s news to me if so.

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Oh no it’s definitely been around in the game since launch, it’s ridiculous that it still hasn’t been fixed. It’s probably a side-effect of how ass the server and client interact with each other.

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Honesty I cant squeeze it in for most of my builds, 4 points for 1 good talent.
I’ve resorted to using the old Laspistol w/ Ghost as a tool to deal with the ever increasing gaggle of shooters and gunners when slides muck up. Since the close range stuff is still bugged at at 8m I pair with with between the eyes, If I’m within 8m you get your bottom Ordo I’m melee-ing most of the time.

Though I imagine with some weaps, like THammer it gains value, but I don’t much care for THam personally so I’m biased, YMMV.

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