Full Bore is broken

Full Bore does not kick in if there are any units standing behind the one being shot, even if all pellets hit the target, and not a single pellet leaks around the target, or penetrates the target.

Get a shotgun with full bore. Fire at a lone dude with nobody behind him, watch it proc. Do the same with a wall of meat behind him, watch it no longer proc.


Player ID:
[Steam ID/Steam Profile URL/GamerTag]

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
it’s about 4pm in switzerland

This problem is 100% consistent.

Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]
console-2023-03-28-13.20.17-95979705-0bf6-4a56-ba22-f0cbfc290063.log (7.8 MB)

darktide_launcher.log (738.2 KB)


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