FS is bad at etc. etc. Etc

People say Fatshark aren’t good at quality control, testing code, etc.

Well let me tell you for the people who have the privilege of not knowing. Crowd strike takes the cake man. Working in IT and dealing with that last night and today. I can tell you they set the real bar. When you push a prod change that immediately BSOD’s every windows system on the planet with your software on it and all editions of windows, server and client, above 2008.

Which to fix requires booting in safe mode. Which you can’t easily do in Azure or AWS requiring to restore from back ups or to detach and reattach disk drive volumes.

There had to be 0 testing on that one.

Anyways, I am running on 2 hours of sleep, and have many more fires to put out at the hospitals.


Had to fix my own work machine this morning. I cannot imagine having to manually do that to potentially dozens or hundreds of machines in short order.


get some rest as soon as you can and don´t overdo on the caffeine :slight_smile:
i tend to do some weird stuff on that combo.

best wishes you succeed :+1:


Wishing you much rest :pray:


Yeah there’s ‘we have bad workflow/management’ and then there’s ‘WE BROKE THE PLANET’S COMPUTERS’.


We got Y2K24 before Half-Life 3? Wishing you the best, Brock.


Boots on the ground is a worst case scenario but unfortunately will be what’s needed for all the end point workstations. Servers you can do remotely through Hypervisors of various sorts but the laptops, desktops, etc. Those will require an IT person manually going to each one. Not an easy fix for thousands of devices across various locations.

The cure was worse than the poison for this one. Crowd Strike. The crowd being all windows based customers.

My new slogan to pitch to Crowd Strike management:

“We defend your systems so good we’ll bring it down before anyone else does!”


Godspeed soldier. o7


Some people being extremely negligent at their jobs doesn’t mean some other people are better at their jobs because of it.

I once had the pleasure of being a part of the team that had to recover about 3500 various Windows PCs after a piece of ransomware got into our network (user opened a targeted spam email). That was a fun 10 days, give or take.

Sh*t happens.


True. BUT! I think it helps keep things in perspective. In what does happen with other software companies, and in the tech industry in general. Expectation management.

Uhh, heard about that fallout about 3 hours ago. Good luck and hopefully lots of rest for you IT Guys ASAP! :saluting_face:


Here is the real funny thing:

All my clients, their users… They actually don’t know their O365 password anyway because once laptops joined to MS entra, bitlocker itself and profile setup for them we leave them to create Hello PIN step.

They all use 6 digit PIN login and simply forget what their O365 password and never need again.

It was never my intention to withhold their own O365 password. They just can’t be bothered to remember it so ended up not telling them if need to reset/do something on their machine, which in a sense is probably good thing. As they can’t give away a password they don’t even know themselves.


Unfortunately my day went the same as usual only its still 100 degrees outside.


Thankfully (here on the east coast) my tiny responsibilities were cleaned up by 8am and I got to go to bed. My friends ‘in the biz’ were still working away when I woke up. I have nothing but sympathy (and a complimentary muffin, if you ever stop by) for the people having to clean up the messes left by all this wonky doo.


My IT depth only goes as far as banging on my microsoft printer then restarting it when it decides not to print something.


Printing is my bane. I made a 9000 line powershell script to try and do as little of it as possible. Offload that to the service desk with tools. The drivers from various vendors and various models just have all sorts of quirks.

If I ever find myself in the Nebulous east coast, I will remind myself to seek you out for the glorious muffin of appreciation. Sounds like a good plot to a meaningful quest.


people called me paranoid for not allowing auto updates for systems and drivers
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


It’s called percussive maintenance. Stop making fun of holy rites!

Hang in there @brosgw!


We used to gather a pile of random computer stuff growing up that would breakdown, every summer we would go to the dump with bats and swing for the fences. Good Therapy.

Also when CD’s started to skip my buddy would put them in-between lightswitches and say “on,off,on,off,on,off,on,off” while moving his hand up and down. :rofl:


Seek ye out the shore of the largest freshwater lake in Jersey, and you’ll find me lurking about somewhere. Because I’m actually a mermaid. Or I’ll lob a scimitar at you. Who can truly with we sensitive, emotional types! :wink: