Fourth specialization idea between classes

Ogryn: Melee specialist replaces ranged slot with another melee slot. So like branx for big guys, knife for little guys.

Zealot: witness my faith - lose second weapon slot, increase damage by 60%

Veteran: Ranged specialist - replace melee slot with a sidearm (e.g.) laspistols, revolver, auto shredders, shotguns)

Psyker: Warp Assassin: lose the ability to quell peril; can exceed warp threshold but you accrue a DoT that scales with how much you are over your 100% peril barrier. You have to wait for the peril to cool on its own. This would make exorcist and other peril blessings more fun and interesting imo.

Just thought these would be interesting to consider.

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I don’t think a “Full Melee” or a “Full Ranged” build can work. Mainly due to the melee/ranged ratio being closer to 50/50 compared to the 75/25 in VT2.

At most a triple weapon kit can work, like how Outcast Engineer did in VT2


Veteran Stormtrooper (left side of Sharpshooter), where the blitz is a Rad Grenade (Used by the Stormtroopers, but not really by any Admech personnel) as a high area, soft CC and damaging grenade.
Maybe an aura that decrease reload and pull out speed for ranged weapons.
And a Hotshot Volleygun as the ability.

In most case I think that new branches or specialisations should be themed on different Imperial careers:

  • Veteran:
    → Stormtroopers: Outcast Engineer system
    → Commissar

  • Zealot:
    → Enforcer: With Concussion impact grenades, and a Cyber-Mastiff as combined ability and keystone
    → Crusader

  • Psyker:
    → Biomantic/Stormwroth: With a lightning clad leap for a melee archetype
    → Telepathy: Being able to turn an enemy against their allies

  • Ogryn:
    → Savage: Throwing Axes; and Frenzon, as a melee buff
    → Overboss/Ganger

Ogryn is the more difficult one tbh

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Another option ive stated before is replacing the veterean’s grenade with a sidearm. Can be a high powered…well the original idea was a bolt pistol but could be a plasma pistol or a hot shot laspistol. Take it out and use your shots and it can get more shots in all the usual veteren grenade ways

Those are good suggestions though I don’t think I’d ever play a class with no melee. Especially with the current ammo economy. What I would personally love to see is a Vet ability being a big ass sniper shot and if it’s placed as a special ability rather than a blitz, you could customize it in such a way that, for example, you have 3 shots instead of one, or the one you have has nutty penetration or one where you press the button and it selects 3 random (elite and specialist) targets that have their head exposed and automatically snipes their head (somewhat like Mccree from OW but faster). They can do soooo much with the abilities in this game it’s nutty to think about the possibilities.

Now im just picturing a veteren with a sidearm blitz and a sniper ult. Also having a regular gun and melee. Just go into battle armed to the teeth

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