FOMO Timers have been disabled?

I no longer see the timers on the cosmetics in the aquila shop.

Good first step, not sure why it wasn’t specifically announced in the community post a couple hours ago. No more cosmetics available yet though, wouldn’t surprise me if they’re not in the game yet.


I was looking forward to what they were going to add next.
Thanks for ruining it.


The game has very little content so I assume they don’t have more skins to fill the shop :expressionless: . Had they removed the timers on purpose they would have it specified on the devblog. I’d love to be proven wrong though…


TBH not enough content is why I thought they went with a 10 day timer instead of a daily or weekly one, like what is to be expected from a predatory FOMO shop.

Correction, FOMO timers are no longer visible. As they didn’t expressly mention this change we don’t know if they have disabled it.

If everything changes in approximately 23 hours, they just hid the timers


True, still a timer (without further info) falls under “deceiving design pattern” and is regardless not accepted and not legal (at least in the EU).
This is strictly to separate from a sale, because the timer creates uncalled for pressure where a sale is a legitimate tool to stimulate business.
(Also there are other differences, but this is another topic)

Still, the timers are gone and the question is now: why? Also, for what were they for?

  • to create an artificial shortage?
  • to “highlight” the skins?
  • a none functional tool because there are not enough skins available for now (e.g. to feature current sales or newly added skins)?

Regarding their change with the available Aquila-packs, that they want a 2400 and 100 pack added, which goes in the right direction, it could too be a sign for the better.
(Whereupon the only correct way were to abolish Aquilas in the first place and use real money prices, because a premium currency is taking advantage of someone by means of misleading them).

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Timer removal is just one step on the journey to make the cashshop less predatory.
The next would be to remove the monopoly money and show actual value on items sold.


Yeh, them removing the timer that was there to exploit FOMO and not saying anything isn’t great.

I wonder if they even have any new skins ready.


I don’t think they’ll remove the aquilas. It gives them too much control over spending.

Do they? I mean, yes of course, but when they (if they…) release packs like 100 and 2400 Aquilas?

Do not get me wrong, I am against such systems and designs, I prefer real money prices, sales, events, … honest and transparent systems. But after adding the other packs they will loose that control - at least overall.
So it is not impossible they could abolish it altogether. I mean, at the end of the day the gut-feeling is involved in buying stuff and so far many do not like the shop as it is.

What I think is, that I am sure they could establish a similar amount of control with real money if they wanted - at least after getting rid of the timers (verification pending) and adding additional packs (without further issues).
It would be a win-win.

Still, one step at a time. For now:

  • timers
  • additional Aquila packs

I know I sound like a sucker, but I was really looking forward to what type of cosmetics they’d come up with.



I am looking forward to new outfits too.
Community update did mention about change functionalities.
On the brightside hope that means we can see everything available at once.

Betcha they are disabled because they didnt have anything to replace them with.


Wouldn’t surprise me if those were default timers. Think these currency shops are a third-party addon tacked onto games since they all seem to work similarly.

I think this is the most likely reason. The fact they did it without saying anything isn’t great.

If the timer has been removed but the cosmetics are still rotating on a 10 day interval (assuming the time between refresh stays the same), then I think the shop becomes more predatory, not less.

The cosmetic options are still time limited but now the player has slightly less information to inform their decision. This might make someone more likely to panic buy.

This is just my take, and I might be splitting hairs, but I don’t think we can say whether this is a step in the right direction. Too early to tell.