Commodeore's Vestures Timer

Ok so since December last year people wanted the premium cosmetic shop to remove the timer on it’s rotations of cosmetics, but I don’t see the reason to remove it as there is clearly still a rotation so can we get the timer back so I know which day there are new stuff to look at or make it so we can browse all the cosmetics that’s been released so far?

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Unfortunately the people making these decisions at FS seem to be overly reliant on scummy market research that dictates FOMO and other cheap psychological tricks that take advantage of people with poor impulse control are the best way to make money.

Tbh, looking at the quality of a lot of these “premium” cosmetics it makes sense that they wouldn’t be trying to go after more discerning customers.


Yeah there would be a lot more variety in cosmetics if people had a catalog. But the entire design policy of this game is keep logging in because you might see something you like later.


That decision to remove the timer that shows the rotation, but not remove the rotation itself, is quite staggering.
As if smashing your “check engine” warning light, would fix the issue with your engine.

If anything, the issue got worse by doing that.


I mean, it’s a holdover. Because originally they had stopped both, timer and rotation.

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