"Flawless execution" Penance not progressing


I have 4/5 on the first of Flawless Execution penance completed, and after doing 7 rounds on Malice/Heresy with no downs whatsoever, I still haven’t made any progress on the achievement.

It seems to be broken, and not counting up anymore.

I’m playing as Ogryn, not sure if that makes a difference. I’m also crashing in some matches, but since I never go down it should still count up?

Issue Description:

Steps to Reproduce:
[Please add the steps that can help our QA department in reproducing the issue. For example:]

  1. Play a few missions without getting downed as Ogryn (Malice/Heresy)
  2. Upon completion, see that no progress is made with Flawless execution.

Mission Name (If Applicable):


Player ID:
Concoction of Constitution

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Here’s my last 5 console logs of my matches with me not going down (Most recent one was one I crashed in)

console-2022-12-03-08.43.59-cd64a182-5c09-4184-87b4-f114855406bf.log (99.2 KB)
console-2022-12-03-07.52.49-2dd056bc-63d5-4211-b078-41467f603e1c.log (267.6 KB)
console-2022-12-02-20.59.37-0efbd822-b532-4604-be60-c1107e582821.log (660.2 KB)
console-2022-12-02-20.29.03-4cf19096-3e06-4ff7-860c-d14103541970.log (212.1 KB)
console-2022-12-02-19.37.36-135c5cad-f0da-44a7-994a-d0ee14e62b61.log (130.9 KB)

I think that it only counts if you start the mission from the very beginning, so if you use quickplay and you join mid-mission, it doesn’t work.

This probably affects other similar penances as well.

You can select a specific mission instead of using quick play to have a better chance of starting from the beginning.

Ah, if that’s the case I’m prolly not getting progress due to all the crashes.

Oh well, guess I’ll try it in a month or so when the game’s more stable.

crashing fails this penance

Damn, that sucks. As someone who crashes pretty much once every match, this means that this penance is actually impossible for me.

I understand wanting it to not be cheesable, but in my case, even if I carry my team on Heresy without going down once I still can’t get the penance.

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Do you know if crashing resets progress all the way down to zero or if it just doesn’t count that current run as being completed?

It seems it just doesn’t count that one.