Flawless Execution Bug

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When playing for the Flawless Execution penance, my 14 game streak was just ended when a poxburster knocked me off a cliff, instakilling me. There were no other enemies, just a random poxburster that spawned at the top of the end area of Gloriana and exploded before my weapons came up. I did not go down, so I don’t see why my progress ended. Given that the Auric Survivor penance specifies deaths, and does not remove progress if you quit, one would assume the Flawless Execution penance would specify that if it were the case. Given the irritating time requirement and near toxic level of caution one has to have to complete it, please fix either the documentation or stop removing progress for instant deaths. If instant deaths are allowed, I would like the penance to be unlocked on my account given my completion of it otherwise.

To further clarify, getting knocked off an edge does NOT reset progress, nor does getting downed by a dog or net. This is further evidence that these things do not equal getting downed, which is also not death. Adding the words “or dying.” would fix this, but I would prefer to just be done with the challenge personally, given that it took 8 hours (Just for the successful run) of playing Malice with my already max level Zealot. I would really love to try other modes.