Fixing Zealot's inconsistent ultimate

Chastise the Wicked Explained
Zealot’s charge has two modes; locked on and unlocked. When you place your cursor on an enemy and press F, you lock on to them and charge, following them up to 20m and passing through all enemies. When you don’t have your cursor over an enemy and press F, you charge for a measly 8 meters (4 ogryns).

Selecting the Target
While this allows you to gap close on targets at great range on paper, in practice, activating this ability commonly results in not doing what you want it to. If you want to charge to a gunner far behind a horde, you have to perfectly place the cursor over them and make sure they are within 20 meters.

If you mess this step up or if a pox walker jumps in front of your cursor, your charge will end up falling very short (or stopping immediately if you target an enemy point blank or are getting shot).

If you want to charge into a big horde to CC them and begin cleaving, if you place your cursor on the horde, you may just charge into the infested at the front of the horde and not end up in the middle of or past the rest of the horde.

The Solution
8 meters is too short of a charge to ever be practical, and locking on to enemies from afar is inconsistent and needlessly difficult. To solve this, give the unlocked version of the charge a minimum range of 16 meters, which can be cancelled early by blocking. Locking onto an enemy at closer range will charge to and through them, but you can get that last bit of extra distance if you take the time to lock on to a more distant enemy. Also make the slight orange glow that locked on enemies have more obvious so its easier to tell if you did it right.


Would be amazing or simply gimp enemies the same as we are, specials can just sprint clip through hordes and its ridiculous.

I agree, the ult has so many things holding it back especially after the toughness nerf and getting stopped by bullets. I do wish it acted much more like Footknight’s charge.

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Interesting, where does these two modes get explained for I can’t recall reading any of this or is this based on trial 'n error player experience (and I greatly value the knowledge being shared)

I was about to log a bug report for Chastise the Wicked
I’ve been getting in consistent results against foes and frequently end up charging through the single opponent in front of me. For instance a mutant, you dodge it you turn around and it’s the only potential enemy. Charge up a heavy attack, tap ‘F’ and I run straight through the mutant, plant my face in to a wall, turn around to be greeted by a mutant who is ready for round two of pounding zealot in to the dirt.

It’s the inconsistent running through the intended target or coming to a full stop early at the wrong target. But since I’ve also been running through the only single target in sight, the above mutant scenario, I’m really curious to learn if their is more to than just aiming at the intended target.

I’ll try this out some more, but their is also a part of me that kind of wonders if ‘press and hold F’ action to run through enemies until you collide with the ‘first’ special would not have been easier to manage.