Used to be able to dodge and bash the dogs just fine. Now it is literally impossible. It just does not work at all.
Could not agree more. Dogs are the worst enemy in the game because it’s a 50/50 shot that you actually bash or dodge them on a pounce. SUPER buggy.
Same here. It feels really clunky. Their movement mechanic is also very erratic and it looks like they’re rubberbanding all over the place sometimes.
No idea if that’s related to degraded servers performance, netcode or just how the hounds are mechanically designed (somewhat sticking to players entities, regardless of how realistic it might look) but it feels annoying and inconsistent.
And even if you manage the push/attack to stagger them, their hit box sometimes collides with you, damaging you and pushing you back so you can’t do a proper followup attack
TBH, I’m fed up hearing about the dogs. They may be random and erratic, but they can also be dealt in a number of ways so that in most cases they can be stopped. Should they be fixed? Yes.
But the mutants are IME worse by far and I’m not talking here about the situations in the hordes or anything. I can literally stand and watch in peace his apprach, see all his cues and yet the reliability of avoding being grabbed is 0%. I’m not talking here about whether I succeed - sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t - but rather how repeatable the feat is.
I dont think a mutant has gotten me even once. They’re extremely easy to sidestep. Maybe you just have really low mobility weapons? Used to be the same with dogs, but now they’re just broken.
Various weapons, various classes - but the mutant should always be dodgable by anyone based on the cues.