Fix talents and traits, not ammo and heat generation

Nevermind, i just got the gist you were biased but i just got the meaning scrambled on that sentence.

Just since theres a lot of heat going on about kruber longbow not being good enough yadda yadda, when it is without a doubt a top tier ranged weapon.

Sure scoring a headshot to dip into talents may not be as easy with the way it zooms, it does boast the best elite removal in my book.

Agreed. Though I think half of its power comes from Waste Not, Want Not and Taalā€™s Blessing.

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Nah fam, it would still have its place without talents, the precise long range sheer dickinā€™ you can deal out on legendary with enough power to bodyshot stormvermins because of its innately high number of targets and armor pen.

Iā€™m not sure if it negates monsters ā€˜resistentā€™ or if its the headshot / crit multiplier it adds up, chaos troll can be forces into regen state in 2 headshots on champ, 3 on leg.