Would it be possible to have some sort of Felinid customisations for Darktide please?
For example hairstyles to give the impression of a Felinid.
Or perhaps some themed armour?
over a million worlds, a trillion souls and lots of tithes and criminals.
Rare by imperial standerds could be a single world with 8 billion cat people.
So the idea we somehow intercept a prison transport with a few thousand angy catz isn’t outside the realm of possabilities.
As for GW not showing them, thats a drop amungst a sea of niche things yet to be given official art. and some of those are for the best, like that ting we dont talk about.
but if fatshark shows theres a paying market for this kinda stuff they’ll do more.
like we’ve seen with beastmen recently and a bunch of the fun necromunda stuff.
the fanbase for this kinda stuff do bring in money and often times have ALLOT of spare income cash. so its not the worst idea to tap into.
personally I’d enjoy beastmen but I think official depictions of more abhumans would be great for fans to have. means I get more cool minis to paint.
lord knows that old list of known accepted ones is super outdated.
For a porn artist maybe. Keep that fetish garbage out of my video games please. If you really want WH40k furry stuff then buy a fursuit and kitbash it or something
I can say as an absalute degenerate myself that furries are on 1 of many fetish groups already in the fandom for years.
Thanks to vermintide skaven really blew up in recent years.
beside look on the bright side, if you hate furries adding more of them to 40k means they are subjected to the suffering and hellscape of imperial life.