Fatsharks response to the community about map selection

Timing out people for 10 minutes is not an instant ban. It is the warning.

Telopots specifically told his viewers to spam our chat about this when raiding our stream (and literally used the word ‘spam’ when doing so). This was very clear, and so Telopots was banned and the spammers were timed out as the warning. Anyone who repeated the spam after being timed out received a ban, since they had already received a warning.

As we said on the stream, asking questions is fine. Giving feedback is fine. Spamming is not. Coordinating a spam wave, even less so.

I’m sorry if the developer’s response was not satisfactory, but please don’t take it as him making fun of the question or the community. Like Reginald said, he first gave the serious answer, which was that there wasn’t a good answer they could give.