Fatsharks response to the community about map selection

Fatshark recently had a stream where someone asked a question about if we could have map select and the devs response was an absolute joke and actually made me and many others in disbelief from the way they responded the simple question. (twitch clip of the response: Twitch).

You could have handled this question way better, but no the dev on stream basically spat in our face and laughed as if our input means absolutely nothing…

This then spiraled into multiple people asking to implement map select (in a nice way) after a big raid. Then the moderators instantly started timing out people and banning the raider and raiders on the spot. No “we have heard you can you please stop” or just “please stop”, just straight to banning people. This insane response made the situation even worse and people started calling the mods out, but they were then banned too. There were even people defending the moderators and devs, which is insane to me.

FS today was the day where I and many people started to fully lose hope and you clearly showed you do not care about [A. the people who play the game] and [B. the game itself].
Fatshark if you really care about the community that plays this game you would apologise to the people (whether this effected everyone or not) and learn from this situation on how NOT to respond to a something like this.


powertripping mod many such cases !


Fatshark has shown many times that they simply seem to be out of touch.

The itemization improvements are nice but the fact it took this long to get them is all you need to know to see how much they know about this game.


Is there a longer clip somewhere? I mean you could be right, or not, I have no idea.

All I know is some 5s clip with no context but a laugh - which is the most normal thing in any stream -, isn’t enough for anything at all. For all I know the fans did the usual thing and started angrily demanding, then obnoxiously derailing the whole stream while cheering each other on to a point where they had to start banning ppl to get the thing under control.

Or not.

These days manufactured outrage is far too common for me to take any kind of sides based on what I saw here.


This was there response to 1 question and moved on. You are welcome to go back and look at their vod :slight_smile:

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Telopots raided the Fatshark stream where a VO dev and cinematics dev were doing silly challenges (like eating a century egg) and directed his 100+ viewers to spam chat demanding mission select. Moderators nipped it in the bud. This is such a non-story.


Not to be a shill, but can’t you take a simple joke?
“When will we be able to select the maps we want to play”
"Well, that’s another good one…and the answer is…well right now i don’t have a good answer.

You can go to the mission the mission board and then [laughs] pick the mission you want"
His real answer is that he doesn’t have an amswer right now. The second sentence is obviously a joke.


Buddy they started banning instantly. They could have at least asked to stop. Did you read the whole post?


don’t you think it’s a bit insane we don’t have an answer to this 2 years in?

game is diluted with horrible modifiers


Joke or not the way they handled the situation after speaks a lot


Yes i do. Fatshark’s outreach and dev cycle programs are notoriously poor and they have a habit of getting themsleves into hot water. It took them 2 years to just freaking break the locks. Their new system is fine but honestly if they had just unlocked the old one i can’t say it would have been much worse than this one. Yet it is a core system rework. It did happen.

They’re European. They don’t believe in the first amendment my guy. My experience on the modern web is watching people ban anyone who says anything in mild discension. Not my view of a good plan but i’m reticent to read too much into it.


reddit and its consequences


I mean that doesn’t matter much? They don’t have to consistently stick their foot in their mouth. If you’re going to put people into a spotlight they should probably be able to handle stuff like that in a better way than an off handed comment and a ban wave.


agreed with uncanny cat, i think it could have been addressed seriously, because it is a topic that many people are requesting since long time.

if we didn’t have itemization update for this long, it’s because, in my opinion, they were thinking that RNG was the key for players to stay, when in reality nobody wanted to play to farm, but to have fun, and in fact now that they put the full crafting with no RNG, we have 10,000+ players.

so the same for mission board select, we want to have fun, and we want to decide which map, special condition/modifier to play…

it wouldn’t be an issue with matchmaking because there would be still quickplay, and if they are good, they could implement some sort of lobby browser that would help even more.


There was nothing serious about this stream. Just a couple of devs who have nothing to do with the mission select setup eating hot peppers, impersonating ogryns and trying to do “pacifist” runs.

The offending comment was made like half an hour before it was clipped and shared in Telopots stream, prompting him to tell his viewers to spam chat after they raided. Spam got shut down, that’s what moderators are supposed to do.

Was a fun stream before this totally unrelated nonsense.

Edit: Changed “an hour” to “half an hour” to be more precise.


Why are you defending Fatshark here? What is the benefit? Its an official Fatshark devs stream they should expect questions about the game. Once again they didn’t ask people to stop but instantly banned and timed people out.


Map selection and spawns should be priority over everything else :anger:


Like i said, not my idea of a good plan. As you well know im more of a “say whatever you want” kind of guy

Timing out people for 10 minutes is not an instant ban. It is the warning.

Telopots specifically told his viewers to spam our chat about this when raiding our stream (and literally used the word ‘spam’ when doing so). This was very clear, and so Telopots was banned and the spammers were timed out as the warning. Anyone who repeated the spam after being timed out received a ban, since they had already received a warning.

As we said on the stream, asking questions is fine. Giving feedback is fine. Spamming is not. Coordinating a spam wave, even less so.

I’m sorry if the developer’s response was not satisfactory, but please don’t take it as him making fun of the question or the community. Like Reginald said, he first gave the serious answer, which was that there wasn’t a good answer they could give.


If you watch a little further (there’s a “Full Video” link below the player), you get what I think is a more genuine response rather than simply a bad joke:

Sorry [user who asked the q] we don’t have a good answer for you (yeah sorry)… but we hear you (yeah) we don’t have anything to say on it sadly

Matchmaking is definitely an issue, the devs have extremely limited goodwill from the community, and they definitely touched a nerve with a stupid joke. But this was definitely closer to stupid than malicious…