Fatshark please make your cosmetic designers take notes

This is what guardsmen should look like


Great Kraken Trailer! An intelligent Ork? Waggh!?

What does this have to do with FS ā€œChinese sweatshop cosmetic designersā€?

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These guardsmen looking badass while we continue to get awful sub par ā€˜premiumā€™ cosmetics for veteran

Darktide is probably the only 40k game where we get to be guardmen weā€™ll ever get. So fatshark need to make the most of that guardsman drip rather than giving us rags, wrong looking kasrkins and unfinished scions.


The Kreig outfit in DT seems popular, what kind of drip would you purchase that isnā€™t currently in the game?

I would just like a color pallet like SM2 has done, where we can crayon color our favorite space marine with dozens of different colors.

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Seeing Scion Droptroopers and no new Elysians makes me glad I grabbed those sets for vet/zeal at leastā€¦get to larp with them somewhere, and unlike most Darktide sets they looked really good imo. flight mask on Zeal that is.

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The kreig outfit is a mess

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Oh yea, sorry you feel that way, forgive me for asking again but what outfit would you like to see in Darktide?

A proper kasrkin

Mordian iron guard

Finish the scion (we have had the helmet for months, whereā€™s the rest)


Having the pre-Scion stormtrooper armour would be cool too. I like their Votoms-style visors for their helmets.


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