(This is a joke post read Editor’s Notes)
We have all seen them. Lurking in the dark. Polluting our righteous and ostensibly true crusade to annihilate Fatshark. It seems whenever beaten back to the shadows they return to pollute another thread. How is this possible? How do they return, withstanding scathing rebuttal after scathing rebuttal? Constantly falling beneath the infallible nature of our impervious logic, yet seeming to return twice as strong the next day? As the most intelligent, worldy, strong, sexy, beloved, cultured, and well known poster on these forums, I have decided to delve deeper into the nefarious truths of Fatshark’s darkest defenders.
On trial today are 3 of the most prolific, and I should say vile and outright DISGUSTING offenders.
Everyone has experienced their lies, so there is no need to post any of them. As I delved deep into forbidden scrolls and lost knowledge I came upon a most evil and startling of revelations:
^(literally me btw)
They are all either active or former MMO players.
I know this news will be shocking to some of you. Others may ask, “How we as a community allowed this to happen?” And I, the same as you, am shocked, disgusted, and offended that these…things…post among us.
Such a claim cannot be leveled without evidence, even if we all inherently know it to be true. So I have brought before the public the DAMNING, UNDENIABLE truth, so all may see what we have been harboring…
(This is in addition to his obsession with DD 2, which is literally a single player mmo anyways!)
For those who may not have had the horrifying nature of these creatures revealed to you, I will do so now:
A Normal Person (A Fatshark Hater)
^A normal head, not pictured is the massive store of IQ points held within.
^This likeness was based off of yours truly, unfortunately they did not accurately portray the manly nature of my headset correctly. Not pictured is the massive amount of dms I get from hot gamer girls asking me how I hate Fatshark so perfectly.
Average Experience
A Mutant (Fatshark Apologist/MMO Enjoyer)
^Small brain, only capable of understanding basic 1 2 3 skill rotations and tab targeting and NOT our detailed and nuanced dialogues. However is extraordinarily loud. Curious!
^A horrid degradation of the human form. Posture is poor from being hunched over a computer screen. Big upper body and small legs as they never stand up. Massive fingers can only press the number keys on the keyboard which is all MMOs require. Mountain Dew is injected into their bloodstreams so they can continue gaming. All. Night. Long. Woman can detect and avoid them even through completely anonymous mediums.
Average Experience when not playing MMOs or being Incorrect Online
Suddenly, all is clear. Their campaigns to derail our hate threads and defend the undefendable all make sense. Now that the truth is revealed, we can finally reclaim these forums that are rightfully ours. Those who have stalked the shadows, making us fight amongst each other have been driven out into the light where their sentence shall be swift and brutal. Once more can these forums become a place of light and justice, where every thread is dedicated to removing Fatshark from “cushy Sweden” and how best to destroy their company, as is intended by God. Amen
Editor's Note
This is obviously a joke post, even if incredibly unfunny. Also it took way too long to make. Tunnfisk, Badwin, and Mayson are the 3 most prevalent “apologists” that are the most enjoyable to talk to. Obviously don’t harass them. I noticed that all 3 of them had played MMOs and because I don’t really like MMOs decided to make this post. I have no problems with MMOs as a gaming medium, I just don’t enjoy them.
Also big reason I made this stupid thread is that I’ve been replaying Divinity: Dragon Commander and one of the best features of the game is that the start of every turn, a “Newspaper” (tabloid) will pop up uncharitably discussing policy and personal decisions, battles won or lost, researches completed, and just random bs. A favorite from my current playthrough:
Long story short this is almost a “tribute” post in a weird way saying thanks for being fun to talk to about a silly internet game with silly developers.