when first playing the game, i had no idea what finesse was and i still don’t know, cleave is also a bit of a mystery to me still and i have no idea what shred is supposed to be, and rend also needs to be more clear. these things and their affects should be clearified in the game (maybe in some sort of codex) so that the players can know what all of these things are and what they do and how they effect gameplay.
FS has a general philosophy that immersion and atmosphere trump, and are hampered by, excessive quantification.
It’s the same reason they’ll never have in game health bars or damage numbers popping up.
Not saying I fully agree with this stance, but this does boil down to their core design philosophy. It would be nice to convince them there’s a healthier middle ground where health bars and the like can still p!ss right off but they actually tell us how our weapons and abilities work properly.
Probably an uphill battle though.
Edit: I keep forgetting p!ss is a banned word god damn are we 12 years old?
It’s one of the 7 unholy words that hold great power of the warp. Just like great Inqusitor Georgeous Carlinus said.
things are so much clearer now
Yes unfortunately you need to basically take an online degree course via Google to understand what any of the game mechanics can do.
Of course there should be a codex and beastiary. Nothing but pure laziness that there isn’t in such a ludicrously complex game of layered mechanics.
Any arguments for not including it is just an excuse.
I agree.
In the mean time, this may help: Enhanced Descriptions at Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Nexus - Mods and community
I have seen this mod and have think it was useless… checking it again, I see now an interest. Thanks for highlighting this mod.
Yes, the Enhanced Description mod is a lot more than it sounds. It’s basically a full on “Tooltips” mod that not only properly presents what things do, it often provided expanded detailed descriptions of how things work, how certain talents interact with other mechanic, etc. it’s pretty amazing.
It’s even dumber considering that American English is the only version of English that has a problem with it.
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