Everything and everyone are OP, so now what?

20% of ranged headshots I guess, although there are definitely some melee weapons that get a higher percentage of headshots than even 60%.

Javelin´s a bit weird in how it counts for both but i´d call it a headshot based one in either case. And only 20% seems really low.

Well aside from SoT as was mentioned above, if one can crit on most throws with certainty and that´s going to kill then headshots are just for fun.

As written, 20 % is the lower end (“at least”). Constant 50 % appears to high from my personal experiences. But a range of 20 - 40 % seems in line with what I have seen for the sum parameter.

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From what I’ve seen from modded players, 35% for melee headshots. For the average Official player it’s probably closer to 25% if I had to guess. From my own testing Deathwish results in a 2% increase in true solos (would be more in a team) for low stagger weapons, probably more for high stagger weapons (high stagger weapons are still worse off in Deathwish though, just not headshot-wise).

One of the reasons for this is we/most of us all swing constantly, including when we can’t get a headshot (like when behind an enemy), which is still good play since damage is always damage, it just means the % is lower than we might expect.

Ranged headshot percentages tend to be higher than melee ones in my own experiences but I haven’t got numbers from others on it.

After a certain skill level the attack angles/hitboxes of a weapon become less important when it comes to getting melee headshots. Mine with Kerillian’s Greatsword is only a bit worse than AnF. Bret Longsword, Rapier and Mace & Sword are all close to each other (Mace & Sword is slightly higher than Rapier, not sure why). It’s mostly player skill after a certain point, but character height matters as well. There’s a fair difference between using the 2h Hammer on Bardin and on Kruber.

You can use the fantastic Vermintide Analytics mod to track your headshot percentages after each match (as well as a bunch of other info): Steam Workshop::Vermintide Analytics

I don’t believe there are, but I’d be glad to be proven wrong about this.


I would be really surprised if even the general cata playerbases headshot ratio would be above 30 or 40 %.
Maybe rocking with something like the executioner sword or the like it can be game by game increased but on average, even in most shooters above 30 % is consider to be pretty exceptional accuracy, add to that the headshot ratio itself.

Actually bit saddened that something like that has not been sanctioned …

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I’d probably guess this is a fairly accurate range too, yeah. Varies a bit per weapon of course (fire sword headshot ratio isn’t great lol), but most of my runs sit between 27-33%~, ignoring obvious outliers or weapons that are exclusively being used to headshot things (exec on GK, for example).

I really can’t see the average pub being anywhere near 50%, let alone there being many weapons that are going to break over 60% consistently. That’s an insane headshot ratio if you’re attacking consistently, I’d almost expect janky enemy movements alone to make that high an average nearly impossible.


The original context as i understand it was javelin use, isnt 20% rather far down on the lower end there? When i used it the javelin only really felt strong if i was headshotting , even when tossing into hordes.

And while i do not know how reliable it is i looked over the postgame scoreboard and had like 300 headshots to 625 kills while using the 1handed sword&longbow on WS.

I thought i was on the lower end there :no_mouth:

For Javelin? Might have missed that context then. At least I was speaking for general values from all weapons. Others answer implies they did the same.

And what do you think is the average amount of hits you needed to kill an enemy? Elites need more, Specials and Hordes usually less. But overall for Legend about 2 hits on average and for Cataclysm about 3 hits on average seems reasonable to me. Hard numbers are difficult with all the different enemies and additional variables. So if I just assume you played Cataclysm and take your numbers you would have about 1800 hits (625*3) and like 300 of those have been headshots. Giving some leeway and rough rounding, I would say it translates to a headshot ratio of about 20 %. Although if you have high headshot ratios, the average hit number would go lower too and for ranged it is lower anyway. So taking that into account it could be around 25 %. I just prefer to calculate conservatively.

A couple of questions though. Am I correct in assuming that the ‘Headshots’ line in the final stats is the total number of times I saw the orange hit mark during the run?
And if I am correct, how do you guys calculate the percentage of head shots without the total amount of hits landed?

EDIT: Ok I’ve just tested some things. Case in point: I spawned alone, found a Storm Vermin, hit him once in the head without killing him and then died. Heres a couple more fun questions:

  1. How many kills did I get?
  2. What headshot % have I achieved?
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I’m 100% sure the headshot count on the end of a run is for hits, not kills. For example I’ve had Cata runs (FK with Sword & Shield, mostly) where I even had more headshots than total kills on the end game report. The end game report is pretty useless to calculate your headshot ratio.

But I know some people here (Velsix, maybe?) once commented with an analysis of their headshot count by rewatching a recorded game in slow-mo and simply counting the hits & headshots. That was about in the ballpark of percentages named earlier in this thread, I believe.

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Why are you guys talking about melee headshots in the context of a javelin longbow comparison? lol

Also I’m not referring to when you have time to aim, I’m talking about when you’re in the middle of melee and you have tp swap, shoot, swap to kill a special. Even the best players don’t seem to hit headshots very often in those situations. The notion that longbow is better than javelin because of its headshot damage advantage alone doesn’t seem to have much to do with actual in-game situations where its infinite ammo, cleave, and stagger are just crazy. Moonfire is better overall, but that doesn’t make javelin not dumb.

By the nature of it, there are a lot of assumptions integrated.

At least for the headshot count in the end stats I can say that they are all headshots. Start a game on modded, spawn three marauders and make H1 on the Flail without killing them. This will result in 3 headshots if aimed right. So, it truly are all headshots, and not only those killing. So if you play with a shield and you are using shield bash a lot you can end the game also with more headshots than kills. That isn’t out of question but can easily be explained.

As said in a post above, it is a simple assumption. Horde enemies, even on Cataclysm are rather weak and usually die within one or two hits, same for most specials. Elites on the other hand need in average more hits. Since the majority of enemies, even on Cataclysm, are still horde, the average number of hits to kill an enemy should be closer to that value. For now, I simply assumed 3 as an average.
However, there are a lot of variables influencing this. For example, the higher your headshot ratio, the lower the average hits needed. Also, ranged usually needs lower hits to kill. With a full screen - and if overmotivated - it could be separated to a certain degree. You could separate the elite kills from the remaining kills, you could attribute different average for melee and range and you could adjust for the weapon used. But even then you cant differentiate how much elites you killed with range and how with melee unless you counted or have a video to count. That is why an average is the easiest way to handle this. Three hits to kill in average appears reasonable to me for Catalcysm.

Zero. Unless you missed mentioning other enemies you encountered before.

1 hit, 1 headshot. So 100 %.

Yea, that was Velsix. And I am sure he was at 50 % headshot ratio in that example. But we should assume that he is above the average.

Well that’s what I thought I’d get. But before I get back to that, the HS ratio you’ve produced could only be based on meticulously counting the hits and HSs manually (gee I wonder if there were these things called computers that could do that for us). In my case it wasn’t too meticulous, but if you project that onto a real run, you get the point. But in case I’m not being clear, I wanted to say that you cannot calculate HS ratio from the end screen alone.

However, the answer to both of the above questions have proven to be trick ones: I got 1 (one) kill and 1 (one headshot). Go figure where else FS fumbled up simple arithmetic.

I assumed this to be trick questions. The one kill is interesting though. If I would have to guess blindly: Vermintide has the tendency to adress non-hero kills to the last hero who hit or pushed an enemy. So if a Blightstorm yeets enemies into the abyss the kills will accounted to the last person to hit/push them (which also makes the Nurgloth challenge so difficult). If noone hit/pushed them before, they will not be accounted at all. After your death, the system maybe despawns all enemies which is counted as kills. Since you hit the Stormvermin it was accounted as kill.

I was aware of your intention. Which is why I showed you that I am aware of all the changing variables like different weapons, melee/range etc. And that is why I say that the end screen alone is more than enough for a rough estimation for an average run (your run certainly was not average but specific targetting at breaking a system). For exact calculations, it is not possible. But I never stated that.

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If you’re interested, Vermintide Analytics can. It’s easy to setup and accurate. Turn the Steam Workshop mod on, unzip the GitHub download, play a game, then run the exe from the GitHub download, select the game and all the stats are shown there.


Yeah I thought there should be real tools since the end screen is a joke. Thanks.

Frankly, I don’t really care at this point why that happens, but I still giggled that there are bugs being found in the freakin’ end screen to this day. :grinning:

Maybe you accidentally killed a critter? Those count as kills as well.

I got a lingering suspicion that I should record a vid as well, but I didn’t expect the result myself at the time. I dare you to try for yourself though.

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1 flat with the longbow for several kills if dealing with Skaven :innocent:

If talking elites/beefier normal mobs then 1-2 melee heavies(2 without a crit) horde fighting however is a lot harder to say.

I think my headshot % on the elf is generally pretty good but i do admittedly have problems with beastmen and shields at times.

I dunno what to tell you. I don’t think it’s that uncommon for longbow users to have a very high ranged headshot ratio. I’ve seen it in QP plenty. I just think complaints of javelins being OP are way overrated. Its cleave and stagger are a bit silly, otherwise I don’t find it a smotheringly good pick at all. People need to calm down about it, I don’t wanna see it potentially get nuked. FS can be pretty heavy handed with nerfs and with the number of complaints about a weapon that is barely out of line I’m a little concerned.