I believe if you can choose a balance point and stick with it, you won’t have to redo all the balancing when something new comes out - you just release new stuff to the same balance point.
Choosing that point is where the problem is.
That doesn’t really make sense to me. Neither career is coming out soon, and Sienna’s career is nearly a year out. It’s already been too long as it is as far as I’m concerned, so another 10 months or so sounds absurd to me.
I agree that you shouldn’t have to redo all the balance. I was agreeing with the part that, as far as dev time is allocated, I think a full BBB would take too much manpower when they are developing so much new content, regardless of what I wish would happen.
I don’t know why it is common habit in this forum to get stuck on certain words or phrases rather than taking the context as a whole.
Seems arguing semantics is a favourite topic here.
I wasnt literally meaning the whole process, that was just figure of speech.
Nevermind this seems pointless.
It is pointless - hence all my posts here. A more common habit would be getting upset that people actually read the words you post and take them seriously.
the big outliers just need some downtuning and then the game is in a pretty good spot tbh
a more cohesive and refined balancing effort, while it would be nice, isn’t really necessary. Actually stuff it I know I said the mod isn’t intended for official and it isn’t but check the tourney re-balance mod to see what nerfs we belted out real quick for a good chunk of the more egregious elements.
, I agree
I dont think the game is too easy, even with some of the new careers and talent tree overhauls of vanilla classes making some classes clearly stronger than others. The problem here lies that some classes should get an overhaul too (i.e. Sienna).
Regarding difficulty, Recruit and Vet are supposed to be there for leveling up and getting used to the game, while champ+ is where the endgame starts imo. Nonetheless, the game became easier since launch but Legend can still be very challenging and only about 5% of the playerbase even play Cata. I guess this shows that this is still a very challenging game. Sure if you have 1000+ hours into this game you will most likely have mastered it, but thats probably true for any game. Also, playing on console the game tends to be harder than pc due to slower reaction time with the pad, not being able to block cancel that easily etc. Just my 2c.
Yeah, the official difficulty levels are fine. Those few who are too good for Cata can play on the modded realm if they need a greater challenge. That said, certain careers and weapons are definitely too good right now, and that does lead to a dip in difficulty for those who are using said careers and/or weapons. It also leads to a bit of annoyance for those who have to play alongside them. Though, to be honest, my real annoyance right now is the insane friendly fire damage from javelin and moonfire bow do. It’s not enough that these weapons make me feel like I’m just a bystander in some games, they also actively murder me on a regular basis. I’m just so sick of elf teammates right now, and that’s a direct result of Fatshark’s poor design decisions.
to add to this, in my opinion, it’s also not fun to want to mix things up a lil but know that doing so is going to be straight up not as good as the cookie cutter busted stuff.
very true
The only change I want to see is removal of ALL Weapons (not just power creep). Removal of ALL Careers (not just power creep).
Keep Bardin. Buff Mining Pick.
Remove ALL enemies.
Add ores.
You’re Mining now.
Power creep solved.
Let’s play Bardin’s mining simulator. I can already see it being massive hit on youtube.
Bardin karaoke when?
Seriously tho Moonfire bow has to change because there is simply no reason to use Hagbane anymore. On top of that javelin also does the same thing to longbow. I know there will always be meta choices no matter how much they balance but problem is moonbow does same thing as hagbane but better, javelin does same thing as longbow but better. Weren’t they supposed to be new weapons ?
There’s meta and then there’s META. One is unavoidable, the other is not.
True on everyone except WS.
Only true on SotT IMO. Somewhat true on HM and Shade but only if you have a bad headshot ratio. Longbow needs no power investment to 1 headshot every special on Cata. Same cannot be said of Javelins.
Even when I watch true solo cata runs I don’t see a particularly high head shot ratio.
Watch those of Velsix. But just out of curiousity: What would you consider a particularly high head shot ratio.
From the game end stats I see a headshot ratio of at least 20 % on Cataclysm often higher for randoms in public games. Although it is a mixed value there with headshots from both melee and range.
Only 20%? O_O
Well it should be about right if rocking a greatsword or a big hammer? But on headshot based weapons i do not think it´s strange to see a ratio of 40-50% ratio even in random runs…provided the user isnt a potato for some reason that is.
No accounting for potato´s on legs running around.