Update doesn’t work just like the majority of your updates. Can’t even purchase the new weapons from the vendors and the new map isn’t cycling on Auric, at all. You really can’t make up how utterly incompetent this dev team is. Now we will need to wait a few months for you guys to fix basic issues because we all know you’ll come out with another set of cosmetics and THEN fix those broken cosmetics, then you might focus on actual in game issues.
Oh we found the guy who has bought every call of duty released!
I can buy the new weapons and play the map just fine.
Doesn’t change the fact that not everyone can. Failure on their part, as usual.
Was the problem solved by waiting for a few minutes?
Or does it still not work?
Doesn’t this happen every update? The servers needing to cycle? I distinctly remember it happening with the marks they added last time.
Don’t get me wrong, they could put a disclaimer for that in the patch notes, but still…
For me Brunt got updated AFTER doing the new mission first (wich makes sense from a story telling point of view). Also mission map is updated on the non auric, Auric is however on a cycle, so will probably appear on the upcoming one.
no clue I didn’t hop on right away when they added other weapons before. It’s working for me now, still no new mission on Auric though - edit nevermind as I was typing this I saw there was a hi shock up lol
This is also on auric playlist. Must to be bugged (no modifiers):
Dude chill, this isn’t incompetence, it’s literally how the servers are designed. Exercise a crumb of patience.
Like I give FS crap a lot of the time but this is just ‘wait an hour and it automatically resolves’.
I wasn’t aware this was a small indie company when it comes to patching games, my apologies. I will exercise more patience for their small budget and small team from now on sir
It’s more their rolling server architecture. If you’re in an instance of the Mourningstar that’s still running on a cluster with the old version you won’t see any of the new stuff. It’s to prevent people from being kicked mid mission when an update goes out. Eventually it will update. And unfortunately it’s not unheard of for people to be thrown into an old cluster too.
Well then I wasn’t aware of all this technical information that doesn’t seem to be provided by anyone actually working for the company instead some random on a forum has to tell me something they should post in bold letters at the beginning of every update. Thank you.
One of the CMs explained it ages ago during the second map release (because the first map release, Enclavum Baross, didn’t have anything to guarantee its appearance on the mission board). Having something in the update notes would be helpful though.
This is your opinion. I for one am enjoying the new weapons and level. Bolt pistol run and gun Knife Zealot is a hoot
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