,,Event" Fatshark are you serious?

Is there any way we can have a real event? I didn’t expect much, but this here is very lazy. Not even a reskin on the boss, just thrown a old known foe in there with Power Supply Interuption with a few rewards that are basicly lazy as well (not even a portrait or something like that). Can you pls try to do something interesting? I really love this game, but this is disappointing at least. I only wish that you putt atleast a little bit more effort in things like that.

For the emperor,


Yeah I jokingly made a post on the main thread about this event. But seriously, all of the events in this game have been awful.

Theres just no effort, no passion at all. Slap these events together on a skeleton crew, sure, but this is the game they are working on, this is their baby. You’d think they’d be putting some fire into this project, blowing people away with events, giveaways on items ingame and on twitch.

Can go a bit further, and do event Leaderboards, for comparing your efforts to other rejects during the event.

Man, I hate to say it, but this stuff isn’t hard to make up. You just gotta care :pensive:


Oh yeah I forgot there was an event on when I was playing the other day…
… which tells you everything you need to know.


Yeah, it is not worth it for me personally. I have plenty of resources and lights out is more frustrating than anything to me.

From a lore standpoint, it’s kinda interesting. I am curious to see where that takes us.


Can’t believe they centred an event around lights out while there are still so few weapons with flashlights in the game, and they haven’t added any ability to put flash lights on other weapons. Like if you’re gonna have super under baked features please have the sense not to put a spotlight on them.


The event started today!

And to the original point of the thread: this is what, the 3rd event we’ve gotten? And this one is the first to come with actual gameplay changes, as well as a progression of the narrative and new dialogue.

Seems like things are trending in a positive direction! Hopefully the next seasonal/quarterly content update will be a direct continuation of this narrative beat.


What? What do you mean?

It’s not the first one, it is a literal copy of the event with Twins, where one of them could spawn on the map, Any Map
This event was in December 5 2023

(This is the note from the announcement)

Narrative? Dude, we beat their asses and killed them BOTH like a year ago!

I guess you wanted to say that this is the first event in this exact format(The same as the Skulls and Secrets of the Machine God, with materials as the reward and personal tracker) that includes something that affects gameplay

To the topic, this event is pretty OK to be honest, not bad just kinda whatever.
Also, they didn’t make anything big out of this event, so I am not angry at them, but they should have renamed them.

I do think that these small funny events are pretty cool and should be done more often, like once every two months or whatever


Coal event:

  1. One of the worst modifiers (Lights Out)
  2. “Terror in the Dark” modifier is only on the regular mission board, so no high-intensity
  3. A reused boss which dies in 5 seconds and never appears again
  4. And players should complete missions with this modifier 15 times to get all rewards

No positive direction, it’s horrible.


shame, so the only real terror in the auric maelstrom dark remains my oggy :muscle:

was looking forward getting some footage to upload.

but given that its pretty warm outside and we got a larger fire in the near area, so we’re adviced to keep doors and windows shut(some nasty smoke from the charred warehouse), i might not force my poor rig into overdrive for this.

We’ve gotten 3 (iirc) events using the new event system. This is the first one that has come with any changes to gameplay (a time-limited condition).

The time-limited condition is an existing modifier plus a pre-existing (but no longer playable) mid-mission encounter (outside of the OO special assignment). It’s still more than we’ve gotten for other events.

And then there’s the narrative progression (speculation after the Orthus assignment confirmed) and dialogue (new cultist on the comms).


I am with you on this event, I like it, its making me want to play it, and its also a way for Fatshark to try out different things with missions, as well as tell more of the story in Darktide. Afterall, if Rinda was a surviving twin, after somehow maybe a jailbreak, seems to make things go deeper. Dan Abnett has something behind this storytelling. Its kept vague to open up more storylines as well.


I was kind of excited for this event. Started a Lights Out mission, the “Mysterious Cultist” voice lines came up and I was like: “Holy sh*t, could it be…?” Then Rinda Karnak appeared and… “Surely, that can’t be it, right? There has to be more?” Nope, that was the ‘big terror lurking in the dark.’ Underwhelming. Lazy. :frowning:


Yea, we know FS’s stated content goal is to release significant content updates seasonally/quarterly (instead of the similar schedule for paid DLC in ye olden days of VT2), so making these events more regular and more narratively-interesting is a big win in my opinion.


My Copium take is that this is just a quick, fast, and dirty event to put resources in players pockets before the Itemization Update, but for that to be true, the update would need to happen real soon, like, early next month. And considering we haven’t really heard about anything on that end…

While I can’t be made at Fatshark for hyping up this event (I mean, they didn’t, it just kind of dropped) I still find myself a bit annoyed. I feel like I would have appreciated the event more had they just been upfront w/ what we were doing. Instead, it feels like they build up this sense of mystery and dread about what we might be fighting in the dark only for it to just be the Sister running around in the dark and attacking the team w/ no other enemies around. My heart unironically sanked, I feel like Fatshark could save themselves a lot of community scorn if they didn’t set themselves up like this and were upfront. I can’t be disappointed when I see the Sister back if I already knew that’s what I was going to investigate.

I don’t even really feel like the snippets of new narrative are interesting enough to really talk about much of anything. Could the Mystery Cultist be a big deal in the narrative. Probably, but so far all we have is them telling the Sister to commit Kamikaze against our team and bail out last second, as usual.

I can acknowledge my own fault in the matter. I was hoping for a Scary Nid encounter. I thought maybe Fatshark might do something cool and effectively shadow drop a new enemy, perhaps even a world boss. But instead I got rehashed content that I can’t even play on Auric.

Not even the Aquilla Shop had an update really worth looking at. I knocked out two matches before coming here to add my voice of discontent. Now i’m going to go waste my time on something that’s at least interesting.


I’m treating this as a introduction to whoever the mysterious voice is, and the unfortunate recently deceased Rinda Karnak just happens to be villian of the week to play off how mysterious and powerful this new character is.

Rinda showing up unchanged, both in appearance (would it have hurt to make her look even slightly mutated?) and attack moveset just seems like a missed opportunity.

I guess we can look forward to defeating Rodin Karnak in the next event on gas maps?

Wrote this in another thread, think it’ll happen and then another boss fight with the both of them.


While I’m not inherently against this content release structure, it’s just not hitting for me so far. I like events, especially when they come with narrative like this, but If we’re only going to receive major updates to the experience every 4 months, I feel like these events will need to be at least a monthly occurrence to justify how little narrative substance I feel like we’re really getting.


Me too! I think this makes sense, and I am hopeful it pays off in the next content update.

And, although I personally like the idea of her coming back as a story beat, I also wish we had monstrosity captains using the twins assets ALL the time.

I really doubt that FS is going to start releasing new maps faster than every 3-4 months. And I think the events are a mechanism they’ve implemented to help tide (heuck) players over. We regularly get new dialogue injected, that plays out over time between updates, but the events are much more tangible. And this one including narrative is very promising to me.

The live event system was added to the code in the 3rd week of May. This is the 3rd event. So not quite monthly, but getting pretty close! I’d actually like to see them bi-weekly, personally, with an event running at all times. But I wouldn’t expect every one to come with narrative beats (although that would be amazing),


I could see it Bi-Weekly but the more you increase the frequency, the less impactful I think the reward would end up being, for balance sake. Then again, in fairness, we don’t know all the ins and out of the Itemization Update. But w/ that said I think we’re going to eventually going to run back into the same problem with this content model that we had before; finding a way to keep players engaged between updates.
What happens when you have good rolls and have upgraded all the weapons you actually like using? An event giving out more resources isn’t going to draw players who are in that kind of position out. There needs to be some kind of activity. I admit, the Modifier + Twin isn’t a bad start in terms of making Events distinct, but it kind of comes off as an Auric that you can play at Tier 3. I personally would like to see something more in the way of the Special Assignments, for Events.
I’m fine going through an old map again if there’s something to make it distinct from the kind of mission I would play there in a non-event/special assignment mission. Hell, send me through a map backwards and that already does a lot to mix things up. And maybe have events give more than just resources for those who already feel like they have everything they need. Something like a guarenteed roll of a weapon or something.

honestly, yeah. even i could make a better event than this and that wouldn’t be hard. jesus, fatshark dropped the ball real hard on this one.

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I’d love it if FS could output meaty content at a faster clip. But I just don’t think it’s going to happen. And I don’t think it needs to happen, personally. I could imagine that some other regions may need a player boost, but in the NA-East pool I have never hurt for players (regardless of difficulty or time of day). And the upcoming PS5 port will help with that as well.

The player count has been pretty steady.

Still, I’d like to see more spice, like a roguelike/Chaos Wastes-type mode. Backwards maps even, as you mentioned.

Then we play with good rolls! Personally, I’m very excited about no longer dealing with the nightmare levels of RNG we have now, and I think it’ll bring back more players than it will push away.

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