I’m an Izuver - I’ve got a lot to do and a lot to say.
May He give me strength and we all make mistakes. But, Dartade’s been making mistakes for a week or two now, boys, my sisters, my brothers. We’ve got to get ISUWER back on track. I have duly - as a lesson to me from the Emperor - I have internalized the punishment and I want to get back. IF ONLY THIS IS NOT A DEADLY ERROR - in which case you will lose a sister or brother, I have never abandoned anyone in battle and neither will anyone else - I will not abandon them either.
“HELP me solve my game loading problem.”
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
No, I don’t use mods
Platform (Required):
Steam (PC)
Player ID (Optional):
[PC] Crash Report (Optional):
GUID: 0a947dfe-92c9-4dba-bf3c-d872492c1bbb
Log File:
Info Type:
[Engine Error]: Failed to decompress: F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warhammer 40,000 DARKTIDE\binaries..\bundle\1b3e5813a9a7ffde from package 1b3e5813.
Make sure that your game files are not corrupt by in steam. Contact support if this still occur after verifying the game files.
Help - I wanted to spend my birthday in the world of grimdark. I am an Izuver - first generation, I have painted on myself prayers of help - oh great Machine, forgive your servant that my machine is not worthy. Sin and remember that I am but a man
Can confirm that this is the case.
I am very confused since I bought the game recently. I have 800 hours in vermintide and have never seen such issues in that game.
At first I could log into darktide with no issue, but now it takes soooo long to spam through these errors… By the way, you may be under impression that this has something to do with our censorship here in Russia, but I have all the tools that circumvent all their silly restrictions
(from youtube block to discord). Alas, darktide is still bricked…