Art Design - 9/10 very well done there, only ‘‘bad parts’’ are nitpicks
Ultimate - not a clutch ultimate and thats okay (IB and Ranger have those)
3 Bombs is a VERY good passive and Ranger should have this with healing or potions
10% range power AURA - only gripe I have with this ability that Other auras should be as large
You can actually be playing the game and still be in range of engis arua UNLIKE certain Footknight who you need to hug - so buff FK aura range pls
Cranking - this is a good idea but imho its not fully done yet so its a seemless part of his kit
Problem with cranking in this form is anti synergy
On one hand you need to keep up the stacks and on the other you need to use your other weapons
So my suggestion for Cranking talent changes
1 and 2 Talents will go = Max 4 stacks / No time depletion / NOT lost upon 100% ult charge / 1st talent gives +10% power, Second gives 10% AS / WHEN you start shooting you will loose the stacked pressure BUT for the following 10seconds you KEEP the AS or the Power
So the point is to go for 4 stacks, enjoy the power or AS, take out Ult and for that 10s after 1st shot you still have usefull talents
3rd Talent will be no stacks but direct ult gain per 1 crank - Max 5 cranks - 10% ult charge per crank
This way playing engi is more about enjoying the game and not having to stress over cranking over and over again.
Overheat on siena - esp on unchained comes closest to engis minigame and its much more seemless part of her kit.
Or if you want to keep cranking talents as they are, imho cranking baseline should have some other interaction how to keep it up - like ranged/melee headshots
COG Hammer is amazing to use and has nice place between 2HH and 2HA
But this just shows what Mining Pick should have been long ago, LA on Cog and Mining pick are quite similar BUT heavy attacks oh my god …
COG Deletes CHW and other armor with amazing speed BUT lets use slayer as example
2H Axe - horde/SW elite anihilator
2H Hammer - swaps dmg for stagger compared to AXE / Extremely good CHW
Cog Hammer - Cant deal with hordes AS good as those above / But Can Gib a CHW with slayer on headshotcrit HOWEVER 2HH is much better against multiple CHW
((Mining Pick - just worse Cog Hammer))
Holy sh*t the pistol - I think it needs more drastic dmg falloff OR higher innacuracy
I hate nerfs but a 6shot weapon that gibs Maulers on Legends on bodyshot (or 2 of them at once with penetration) is kindaaaa
Imho BEST solution would be ->
Left click = normal shot, lets say with some power it gibs SW bodyshot
Right click = charged shot , same as normal attack is now BUT slightly more accurate
10% range power AURA - only gripe I have with this ability that Other auras should be as large
You can actually be playing the game and still be in range of engis arua UNLIKE certain Footknight who you need to hug - so buff FK aura range pls
His aura is the same if not smaller than Foot knights aura size when you pick “Rock of the Reikland”
I don’t think they will put that possibility as it would make it tomes and Grim quite trivial, as the Ranger could take Hammer and Shield or a very defensive set up and take all the books or take a book and healing
Zealot Merc + anything make the content pretty much trivial if the guyz know their melee
Ranger veteran is THE support character in the game so why he coulndt take more than one healing
RV with new pistol is beyond broken. you can kill a boss faster than shade without any shrapnell, or barrage/%vs stats.
can kill 6 sv in quick succession and also spam the one taps.
RV is so strong right now holy moly. tbh engineer is probably the worst class. But the design is good