The engineer is just as OP as sister once was.
With bomb talents and trollpedo he alone can kill at least 2 of the horde waves, all the bosses, so the other party members can only kill the ones the engineer graciously lets them. He’s okay to deal with specials, too. I feel redundant playing alongside an engie and I’m not a beginner. Usually I leave teams that have one.
I know the dwarf is not the elf so it isn’t popular to bash him, but OP is OP.
So please give us some filters to avoid him or nerf or whatever, but this class is annoying.
Just a nerf or a change of the giving bomb talent will be enough I think. Personally I do not use that one that gives you bombs every few seconds and I do not use Trollhammer with OE since the update because he no longer needs it to survive - I think that Trollhammer should be available only for IB.
Honestly people are sleeping on how fun ignoring bombs and going for full power stacking Engi is. Can have a grudgeraker that hits like 8-10 maulers at once or an extremely strong drakegun with competent melee DPS. It’s a good time but not surprised everyone is going for the easy OP option.
For interest what specifically would you suggest for a nerf?
The big problem is how OP the unlimited bombs talent is…and also how it simply passively generated bombs rather than making the player play an active role in creating it through gameplay.
I’m not saying to copy the Grail Knights homework to generate an unlimited supply of strength potions via kills, but that career had the right idea and OE’s bomb generation should follow a similar philosophy.
Like perhaps if bombs pieces are collected and a new bomb is generated every 3-5 or so ammunition collected (crates count for 2, but only the first time)
In general, I think he’s overtuned, and it’s not even just the Bombs, the Crank Gun just allows you to clear too much from long ranges, and makes the game boring af. He’s worse than old Battle Wizard, due to his ability to insta kill enemies, and kill Chaos Patrols, which at least she struggled with.
Skilled OE can clear half of the map alone, without modifiers, but if a less skilled OE joins, you can speedrun parts of the map to leave them behind.
I think the Bomb build makes him unique, but 2 Talents and buffs to his other kit have been overkill.
Potential fun fix:
Remove one of the Bomb Talents and make the other give one Morgrims Bomb.
Switch the ‘Gains the effects of both types of Bomb’ for something else.
This, with the Power you can get as OE, from Ranged Weapons + Passives, AND Shrapnel, allows you to kill Patrols way too easily.
Change ‘Begins the mission with 2 Bombs’ for something else.
This is what lets you maintain Bombs, instead of them being more sparse.
The times other random people (not even me crazily enough), have kicked OE from the group, on Cata, have been when we face a Patrol into a Elite-Horde, and 1 each Bomb deletes both.
Only thing I will say is that at least Chaos Patrols can’t be insta deleted with that build. It still does too much though.
I feel like talent that regen bombs should also reduce their damage (mb. damage radius as well).
So it will still provide defensive capabilities (stagger), but not complete area obliteration.
At least make it so that 3 bombs will only be able to kill half of chaos patrol, that would be much more fair and not take away from fun of it too much
Just leave him as is, sick to death of ‘nerfs’ to characters and nothing for the enemies. If you don’t want to play as him then don’t but don’t ruin what others are enjoying using.
At some point all the DLC classes are going to be nerfed to the point where no one will buy them as they won’t have any uses. I’ve abandoned my Grail Knight due to how many nerfs he received on his melee when melee is the only thing he can do, the trade off is no ranged attack.
I don’t play the class so I can’t give ideas. The bomb regeneration is too powerful, that’s for sure.
It was all right before the buffs. The class was powerful in the right hands. It deserved the 125 HP, but not the power increase.
It’s a four player coop game though. If things are overtuned, there’s less for the other players to do. OE makes things that are supposed to be difficult trivial.
Like which DLC Career? Noone has advocated for any Career to be nerfed to that. Also OE did good damage before his buffs, but they buffed him because noone was playing him. Which I’d say was more down to how bad he feels to play with the Crank Gun.
GK recieved nerfs? He’s still one of the best Careers in the game, especially in terms of solo potential and survival.
This comment almost makes me feel like your opinion is bait.
True. That’s really annoying. Lessening the number of windings would have been better or pumping should have a minimal duration in all cases.
Anyway ranger veteran’s exuberance talent would fit the engie class better. This talent gives damage reduction from backstabs. It would be perfect for engie because backstabs during heavy gunning happens often. Players often try to use crank gun when surrounded. It’s silly but they do.
he litterally is one of the best classes. If you only want OP stuff then you should not play coop games.
He’s perfectly fine. A lot of damage output, sure, but a really squishy, static and clunky character
The engineer’s problem is that his gameplay is very redundant, with a minigun that you don’t know what its function is.
Even though he is very strong, I still find the veteran patrolman more versatile and reliable on higher difficulty levels.
I believe that the engineer should receive more engineering items and functions, even if they are situational items and talents.
it is necessary to make the gameplay deeper and more complex with more micro-management.
he has to be a high damage and utility character.
I had some ideas for the engineer a while ago, but some people think it’s “too complex”… I don’t see any problem, what matters is that it’s good and has a variety of builds without being op.
How about when I’m sold a product based on stated stats, those stats aren’t nerfed after buying it.
you know that the rework was a buff and that he is still stronger compared to his release state?
Actually you have a stronger engineer like advertised during his release.
Here some top gameplay of a my friend:
@Dark_Overlord actually they have to nerf him a bit more if you want him like he was on release XD
Difficulty spike- nvm.
The bigger issue with their recent rework is that FS expressly noted that the bomb talent changes was meant to address giving OE more defensive tools to keep themselves safe…
Asides from the obvious problem that this “defensive” change made them into an offensive kill-all monster, there’s the smaller issue that this change is locked behind a single talent in a single row…and that’s not even a “defensive talents” row, just a collection of random unrelated talents.
When I heard that FS would be giving OE a means to protect themselves better and peel off enemies I was expecting something more innate like a perk, like letting him block and shove off enemies with his crank gun. Not something locked behind a talent competing with piercing shots.
im confused, what’s the deal with the torpedo? It still does do FF damage right? unlike the bombs? Because if so it’s honestly kind of a lame gun given that it’s essentially just a reg bomb with lower radius and that u can only fire with like a 5 second reload cooldown
Just like FS made sister capable to kill everything and support the team this way.
The bomb talents work like a second ult.
I mean, they did nerf her pretty quickly to their credit.
I kinda wish they had some fun with her rework and have her some kinda Famished Flame, but for bleed and black venom effects