Enemies are Invincible

Issue Description:
Shooting enemies or attacking them does zero damage and does not stop the enemy.

Steps to Reproduce:

Load up a mission, shoot at the first enemy, melee attack the enemy.
Mission Name (If Applicable):

All missions except the Psykanium.
[Steam/Microsoft Store]

Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:

Reproduction Rate:
Once - Rare (<10%) - Unusual (<25%) - Common (<50%) - Often (<75%) - Constant (100%)

Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]

Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:
[Instructions: How To Provide a Crash Report, Console Log, or darktide_launcher.log]

100% internet problem.

100% Did not happen before the patch.

I play over 50 hours a week. It only occurred after the patch.

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The Game is just 6 Month old, what do u expect? Jokes aside, i love the game but slowly but surely i am more annoyed by a lot of things and can´t understand how they trat it. Now it´s Summer and i don´t play often so i am looking forward to autumn, maybe they fixed the things that month ago should have been fixed :slight_smile:

Lowered the overclock on my CPU and the internet maintenance person came out this morning. I don’t know what fixed it but so far, it’s not happening.

I do believe it’s a CPU related issue exacerbated or caused by the patch. But I will report back if it happens again.

that looks exactly like latency. Its not always YOUR internet that is the problem. Sometimes its the server.

A friend and I had the exact same issue yesterday.
Pretty sure it’s not related to the own connection.

  • Today was fine by the way…well, not fine but normal.
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