Dreg Tox Bomber Is hard to see

I like the new enemy, but he is really hard to notice even if he is directly in front of me.

He looks too similar to the Dreg Gunner
There are no shining stuff on him like on the rest of the special crew to compensate him being pretty much a just dude
Sound cues do not exist
And he is dropping the equivalent of the smoke bomb everywhere, so imagine seeing him in the farts?

These are just the annoyances to me and not a thing that makes him too hard, it’s just that I can’t identify him among other yellow dudes.

So maybe making him shine green would make things better?


I’m not even sure if his throw lines are playing atm. All I hear is their spawn in and walking around bants.

They aren’t as far as I can tell.

That said, Dreg Tox Bombers are much bigger than most specials. They are easily 20% bigger than the other dreg units.

that green smoke by itself is pretty distinct so maybe give him some more green haze around his feet and a slight cone till his thighs, guess that would make him stand out more.

as for the sound cues, i heard him pretty clear the few times i had one in my matches.
i agree on the fact that once i´m in the green fart of nurgle its hard to make out a thing, but usually thats the moment i reposition anyways, so by the next volley i got his position.


Yeah giving him the L4D Smoker treatment would probably help.

Doesn’t usually matter how dark it gets you can usually always pick one out.

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I got the impression this was all deliberate. He’s a sneaky one.

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Speaking of sound cues; we got triple silent pox burstered in a match today. Emerge from a door next to you, a second later boom.

If THAT’S back, then I can only assume it’s one step forwards, two steps back with patching.

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Would be cool if the guy left a little gas trail like the gas rat in Vermintide 2.
Only visual, or maybe with gas effect.


My graphic settings make it pretty hard to see. Everything beyond 60 meters is just a blurry color, and when he is in a crowd… Well…

Heh, general poor visibility is one of my main gripes with Darktide. Vermintide had similar issues, but some enemies were better marked. Darktide specials and elites need more distinct colours, fluorescent markings etc. The game’s general colour pallet, number of enemies, poorly lit areas and sheer amount of effects don’t help.

There is a reason why so many veteran players from VT and Darkitde developed a habbit of spamming the tag button into the horde in the front of them. Just in case they mark invisible and often silent elite/specials enemies.


Seconded. Spotting them in a crowd is difficult due to their visual design, and the sound queues blend into everything else. The big gas cloud is often the first sign that there’s one around.


In addition to everything the OP mentions the grenade itself isn’t visible enough considering how dangerous it is. The fire grenade has a glowing red light on it that’s hard to miss but the gas grenade might as well be invisible depending on the local lighting conditions.

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I was about to write a post about this - but more to do with the indicators… With the tox bomber I don’t think I’ve heard or seen any indicators whatsoever… Suddenly just green gas everywhere with no warning. If it’s there then it’s far too subtle.

Also the tox gas missions - I think these lack indicators of when the tox is about to happen. Need something like pulsating spores and some kind of ticking clock noise or something. If there are actually indicators then they’re too subtle imo.


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