Does 'Point Blank' Blessing on the revolver get activated with melee weapon kills?

Point Blank (Rank 3): +15% Ranged Critical Chance on Kill for 2 seconds.
Just want to know if anyone can confirm or debunk this.
Example scenario: Killing an enemy with my Heavy Sword on Zealot, quick-swap to revolver to shoot a bullet within 2 seconds; Was Point Blank active for the shot?

From my understanding blessings are only avtive when your weapon is out, and that a “on kill” blessing would only apply on a kill made by that weapon. I don’t have a definitive proof, but that seems like the most logical inference. Shouldn’t be too hard to test in the meat grinder if you really want to know.

It shouldn’t, if it activates, it’s a bug, like the crit per empty chamber on revolver, which works (unsure if it got fixed) with your melee weapon.

Answered in latest patch notes:

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