Does kickback (weapon) stagger poxbuster ? (Ogryn gameplay)

Hye, i like the game design u guys did a good job.

I just wanna ask if the kickback do stagger poxbuster ? Because ive tried with this weapon and it doesnt work in close and long range encounter.


You can only “stagger” the mutant when he is rushing and you are using the ogryn rush against him, pretty much.

Noticed this today as well. Not sure if it’s a bug or working as intended as you can pretty much stagger everything else with the kickback.

Thx for the feedback. Do u mean to mutant or poxbuster ?

Ah damn, hadn’t had my coffee yet.

Sorry :slight_smile:

For the poxbuster I can’t remember for the ogryn kickback.
Some headshots as veteran do the trick so weapon stagger seems possible at least.

Ya even pox hound can be staggered if timed right. I think kickback is an OP weapon i used it alot.

XD i do see other classes can do it. I just wonder why kickback cant.

Only stun I’ve seen work on the burster is the lightning staff of the psyker, but if you guys know a way, I’d love to hear more. I sometimes get those things as many as six in two minutes.

Agree, the poxbuster even tumble down to the ground and get knocked far back. Currently the lightning staff is the most effective.