Does Fatshark's lack of communication not bother anyone else?


Evasion. They stated on multiple products that they would include features, and then failed to deliver and then danced around the subject and had CMs lying on their behalf.

It creates discontent with your customers if you aren’t clear where things are changing.

Evasion. Focusing on a ludicrous example. What CMs say is generally guided by higher ups. Therefore the higher ups decide the pace and detail, and when not to reveal things.

I’m not unreasonable in the slightest, I’m generally quite cordial with Fatshark.

No, you enjoy this. You enjoy the drama, the one-upmanship, the fancy little word games. You prance around the forum like a gossiping court functionary.


OP makes an obvious bait thread about stuff fatshark never said they were adding, and it goes on for over a month

And you make an obvious bait reply but I’ll bite, the only one they haven’t mentioned is cosmetic dyeing, probably because they don’t realize how popular it would be.


Did you know that Creative Assembly developers are now taking an active part in the discussions on their public forums? Answering questions and getting involved. Huge props to Creative Assembly for their efforts lately, tonnes of Hotfixes and really talking to the community. Sure they made some big mistakes, but don’t you just love it when a company actually makes some real steps to improve?


but they outnumber big companies a hundredfold :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Damnit you did it again! Fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, uh can’t get fooled again?

I don’t feel the contents of your response, nor your characterizations of my arguments, are done in good faith or the spirit of continuing to have any kind of productive conversation.

Sorry that my presence, beliefs and behavior upset you.

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Don’t act like they do this out of their free will. They messed up really badly. Bridges burned to such a degree, you couldn’t even sell them to the people you’d want to sell a bridge to.

Creative Assembly has lost all their fanbase’s goodwill few exceptions aside and now they go full panic mode. Not surprising, threatening to make their most successful flagship title go substenance mode just because players didn’t buy the overpriced DLC (marked up by x2.5 in price).




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there’s two reasons we don’t get planned stuff mentioned by fatshark:
1: they’ve got terrible luck with schedules and frequently find huge problems they need to fix tweeking minor crap (they once had to extend a two-week update pause on the first VT game to around a year because there was so much more needed to fix in their backend system)
2: the fanbase is filled with delusional people who make up reasons why their headcanon is 100% fact and will conclude and convince loads of other people that any mentioned update will include a hundred things nobody mentioned within hours. look at the redditors and their obsession with genestealers.

because of these two things, even trying to mention things until they’re 100% done and in the process of being rolled out is always a disaster for them and they’re smart not to do it.


ok ok, I’m not going to argue anything there lol. :joy:


They earned the hate. They lie. So much. Lie after lie after lie.

No games are really like the tide games though. You got that right.


i dont actually disagree with anything you said, the problem i see is that respect is silent , while those whiny kids? they output a hurricane level of neurotic juice all over social media that drowns everything.

look at the vet keystones. there was a torrent of people pre judging them, then when they actually turned up the amount of times false pre judged opinions were vomited out as reasoned thought when it was painfully clear by just how wrong they were on how the mechanic worked they hadn’t even tried them , just read their echo chamber and amplified.

most companies announce early and get a hype train going, darktides community doesnt do that even if the majority appreciate it its the negative express that picks up steam.


You’re right on the money. And I’d say that company - customer relations in general have drastically worsened on both ends in many cases.

On one hand, we’ve had companies putting out legitimate gaslighting, psychological manipulation, psychological torture and hostility. Both, in forms of product and advertizing. The journalist crisis in the recent years also comes to mind.
The counter-reaction of the masses was of course to rally the troops and use raw “body count” in a technological sense - cancel and shitstorm their way against these companies.

Advertizing / PR work has fallen. It started bleeding together with actual warfare and social engineering. What we’re witnessing now is the result of that. Bad blood was brought to the dinner table and now everything is sullied.
Little goodwill is left. It’s hard earned and easily lost. Every wrong move is taken as insult or attack. But it’s also a justified assumption, because of these bad memories. The late 2000’s up until now, the early 2020’s, have wreaked absolute havoc because some company executives and some fans just couldn’t stay disciplined and civil.

It’s crazy to witness. Growing up in the 90’s, we loved the companies providing our games and were excited for the work of developers. There was no bad blood then, customer service was great and so were the products.
We used to have harmony. I miss it so much. :smiling_face_with_tear:


TECH ADEPT RAHHHHHH (Microsoft XP Error sound effect)


Yeah I feel this a lot.

For me especially EA and a few publishers after killed that trust stone dead.

As a Command and Conquer fan they ran that series straight into the grave and then when they weren’t satisfied with that dig it up again to make mobile games. The CnC remaster was great but i credit Petroglyph more than EA in that case.

Gearbox is another example of a company I used to respect (loved the half life expansions and always found borderlands really fun) but completely despise them after how they handled Aliens: CM (as a note I don’t entirely blame them for how DNF turned out but I think their handling of the Duke Nukem IP deserves a panning)

Now when I see them attached to anything it feels like a digital kiss of death.

I’m to the point in my life where I’ve been burned so many times that I’m naturally skeptical of any hype tactics and taking anyone at their word is a liability. Even if I’m excited for an update I have that background distrust.


I swear, Fatzhark has someone in charge ensuring that every update comes packaged with something that ensures the internet anger contiinues.

Crafting release? Enjoy the RNG disaster that’s the exact opposite of what we said we were going to give you.

Class overhaul? We’ll ensure we release some janky cosmetics at an inflated price, while also handing free cosmetic money to xbox players. Also a CM just insulted everyone who was annoyed about that.

We say we have a solution to PC players being angry about the Aquilas thing? It’s a bunch of hastily put together cosmetics that aren’t unique, can be accessed by said Xbox players with however long it takes to open the game, and overall is not what people asked for.

New map? We are reducing the content in previous bundles and also we handed you a janky, unlikeable ‘rework’ of one class’s skill tree that doesn’t fix any of the problems you talked about.

Stg, Fatshark could be great if they just stopped doing stupid things. But the stupid things make them money, or they don’t want to spend the dev time to prevent them happening, so they’ll continue doing it.


I agree with you @Mayson, and @Badwin. I’m dating myself, but I was born in 1990. I remember playing the first Diablo. I remember when game informer magazines came out and your heard your favorite game developers were working on a new game, and you got excited. Now, it feels like because there’s been a history of developers doing shady stuff, it’s expected at this point, so the gamers are looking for reasons to call them out for something. It’s become the Snake Consuming It’s Own Tail issue. Gamers can’t trust developers, and developers are tired of ungrateful customers. At some point, we will both have to change.


Yeah totally. I really wish they’d respond to user queries with at least something boiler plate. Like, with a couple of my concerns, which seem to be shared by a broad consortium of users, there’s not even a , “I’ll add this to a list to bring up with X team, but I won’t have a way of relaying what they ultimately decide”; then I’d know that someone has read it and that I shouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a response.

The CMs do this quite a bit, and bug reports here typically get a dev response or an “acknowledged” tag assigned by FS staff. Not perfect, but also not completely silent.


Unfortunately the things they do that for either aren’t the parts people want to hear about, or are not backed up by action later on.

Jaded as I am, I am still a little surprised how little positive traction the whole Carnival got them. From my perspective it’s head and shoulders above the previous content (it easily has more worldbuilding than any other 3 maps put together), and that sort of content updates (both paid DLC and freebies) is exactly what made VT2 into the great, diverse game that it is today.

It’s almost as if the same people complain about the game being too samey and the Carnival being too different.