i mean, every other class has a bolt weapon, hell, the vet and priest have two! the ogryn having a heavy bolter wouldn’t be too bad of a thing, just make it have 100 max ammo and a 100 round mag with a long reload time and a fast fire rate and high damage but low accuracy, stamina, and ammo pickup with the ammo pickup only being 1-5 on lil boxes, 20 on the gags, and 50 on the crates. its easy enough and the images for it are easy to find, hell, i put two on this post! go ahead and add them for level 20-29 ogryns!
Heavy Bolter’s probably up there with things like Autocannon and fist/knuckle weapons for the most requested Ogryn weapon. I too would absolutely love a Heavy Bolter, but even so I can’t help but wonder how likely it is to be added or even how viable it’d be ingame.
Firstly the lore of Ogryns with bolt weapons is sparse at best. While there’s some table-top precident in Bone’eads and Gunluggers getting training in bolt and las weaponry, it rarely goes more in depth than that - Not to mention that an Ogryn’s prepensity to be reckless and use their guns as makeshift clubs would probably be a big roadblock to seeing them getting something like a Heavy Bolter.
Balancing would also be an issue. It’s hard to imagine a Heavy Bolter that would feel powerful and satisfying enough to be fitting it’s reputation without making the twin-linked Stubbers and even the human Boltguns obsolete. Another hypothetical thing to consider is the Autocannon, as functionally the two weapons would probably be so similar (high damage/armor pen than stubbers with lower ammo/mag sizes) to one another that you might have to pick one or the other.
I’ve still got my fingers crossed that we see it come into play, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the idea is shot down by either FS or GW.