Do we need more restricted high level difficulty (poll)?

  • Yes
  • No
  • What a heresy u say?
0 voters

Well, I won’t beat around the bush for a long time, but there is an opinion that players who have only recently received the 30th level of the character should not go to fight heresy on auric level missions.

I should really note that a high level does not always imply a good and competent cleansing of heretics, so I would like to see some kind of restrictions for the purpose of “selection”.

Do u agree with me, brothers?


This comes up every so often and then people complain they don’t want to level on easy mode.

This has been a debate for as long as 'Tide games existed. People on social media and the forums cried out for heavier restrictions for quick play in VT 1 because the difficulties unlocked at campaign completion.

So they introduced power level and put the higher difficulties behind a power requirement.
Then people cried out about the floor being too low for VT 2.

There’s a few problems involved with locking higher difficulties behind arbritrary conditions. One of the biggest complaints I’ve seen from people about VT 2 and their difficulty gating is that the lower difficulties are boring to people coming in, and they think that the whole game is going to be that so they never work up to the higher difficulties because of dropping it for more challenging games.

The other major issue that is there, that isn’t talked about all that much, is that the only way to ‘git gud’ at the higher difficulties is to actually play them, because the lower difficulties don’t have the same play patterns to them. So people are going to have to play them and suck at them while they learn what they need to do.

If you don’t want people to be learning in your games or pulling the lever to get usable gear, don’t play with randoms. Populate your friends list with people you enjoy playing with, and that includes people who seem like they have an understanding of your chosen difficulty. Go on Discord and recruit from there. Don’t let the matchmaker chose your teammates for you if you don’t want to match with other people who can potentially fail.


But why we cant just do enhanced training in the simulacrum, where you can generate “typical” events of great complexity. Have you passed them all? Then welcome to the club.

What could fresh level 30s possibly learn about t5 auric maelstrom in t5 normals?


But why spend the dev resources when you can just play the game at the higher difficulty and achieve the same thing?
So what if you fail a mission? it is just a game, wining or losing doesn’t really matter all that much in the grand scheme of thing.
A lost match can be just as enjoyable as a won match in my mind, because it is the moment to moment gameplay which sets the tide games apart from all the other 4 player co-op games.


What could u learn if u die in a first room?

Nothing if you die and leave. But you can learn a lot by observing other players via spectator mode while you wait.


Why i need this? I have plenty of missions that i go almost solo mode. Its not what i want from co-op game.

Because the enhanced training in the simulacrum wouldn’t even come close to be what would be needed to play it ‘live’, and the reward for doing so would be… mindless grinding.

They need better parity between the difficulties if they want to lock off higher difficulties, and some way to naturally improve between the skill floor and ceiling in 'Tide games.

If you can almost solo missions then a couple of newbies won’t make a huge change for you.


It is, because if u have good team - u do levels more faster. And enjoyable.

Im not have fun of running around just try to survive in hope of miracle that enemies just end.

Nah. Gatekeeping difficulty won’t help players get good. People can only get good if they’re consistently playing at the harder difficulties. It’s all about consistency.

I’ve played with many people over my years in Vermintide and those that stick around always improve in time, one way or another, they’re going to improve by nature of the challenge - skills, reflexes, instincts, tactics, it all develops based on how much time you put in. Just takes patience and consistency - i.e just playing the game.

Speaking of which, I have a personal experience I’d like to share. I made a very nice duo partner. The guy originally only played Legend. He one day randomly joined my Twitch Cata run and stuck around because he found the challenge fun and different from what he’s used to. In a few months from playing with me he got really good. From there, he became my friend and I got him into Cata 3+ Onslaught runs, you can see our Onslaught attempts here:


Why just not watch youtube then?

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How are they supposed to learn if the dont have access to the highest difficulty?
Are you claiming that your first damnation mission in vermintide or darktide went smoothly and you were kicking ass from the start?

We ALL were the noob before, but we got better because we continued playing on that hardest difficulty until we learned and eventually succeeded.


I wanna make it clear though, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to play the game and not wanting to help people learn how to play the game. There are times where I just want to play without doing just that.

That’s what a curated list of players is for though. Use your friends list, use Discord communities. Playing with random people is just that, random. If you don’t want random, then don’t use a random matchmaking.


When i reach 30 there no auric, there even no modifiers exist, so i just play original damnation. then i play damnation + modifiers, then auric have been deleloped. So i have more smooth path

but now peoples like “oh why i need damnations when there is DEADLY missions ahead?”

I’ve always thought that auric should require a certain amount of penances completed to become unlocked. That way the player will at least have proven familiarity with all the archetypes rolls/abilities and maps.

Until then they’d have regular damnation which is fine surely?

All lower difficulties should have an enemy density buff anyway imo. They’re too quiet. It’s meant to be easier, not a walking simulator.

I really, truly and deeply wish this problem had an external solution but it doesn’t. At least not one I can see. It requires people to be self aware and most people are not.

Do you learn by playing hard difficulties? Of course. Does that mean you should jump into them as soon as you unlock them? Of course not, but people do it because the fact that the game unlocks a difficulty when you reach a certain level inherently implies that you should be on it, even though that’s not really true.

As someone learning this game, you should only really be jumping up one difficulty level once you can consistently perform well (not die repeatedly) on the previous difficulty. I was on Malice for a long time until I felt I could handle everything it could throw at me before I moved on to Heresy and so forth.

And people saying stuff like “it’s just a game, what does it matter if you lose?” are being reductive. You can apply that logic to literally anything because we’re all going to die and our time is finite but that doesn’t mean we can all just go around doing whatever we want with no consideration of the effects of our actions. When you come into a difficulty you are ill suited to handling you make yourself a burden to other people that don’t know you and owe you nothing. If you tank the team and cause a loss, you also waste their time to boot and time is, as mentioned, finite, especially for people who work full time and have normal lives (most people).

To put it simply; If you can’t be contribute more than you detract, you’re out of your depth.

Since level =/= competence, trying to gate via level restrictions makes little sense.

But then the problem becomes; “what else do you use to gate?”

This will always be “an issue” and I don’t see this getting fixed anytime soon.

You can only be annoyed at the people that que into missions they do not belong into and kick them if they truly do not belong. Just don’t kick someone that’s having a bad day, we all have those :slight_smile:

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