Do +3 Stamina curios not exist anymore?

Where the fk are they, I’ve been searching for 2 weeks.

No this is a product of the Armory Exchange nerf. You need to see 75+ base rating for +3 Stamina. Even 73 doesn’t clear the bar into +3 range. So a very very small minority of curios could even have this, considering you are within 5 of the max rating for curios at the moment (80). Before it wasn’t nearly as bad to acquire curios because Peddler could have as many as 4 at once. I rarely see 2 curios at Melk anymore as well.

And then obviously you walk over to Hadron and have a better chance flying a tractor through a hailstorm then it not proceeding to be ruined from there.


There has been no such thing. Not since launch at least. It got a hefty buff in Patch 4 (a HEFTY buff) and hasn’t changed much -if at all- since. The Armory has never had more than two curios at all times and it is now much easier to get a high level one. Melk’s has never had more than 1, but it does occasionally have none and has an extra weapon instead.

But yes, you do need a 75+ for 3 stamina, a 76+ for 17% toughness, or 78+ for 21% health.

If you haven’t been playing long just say so lol. Before the Shrine update you could see as many as 4 curios at Peddler at one time. Melk could also have 2. That means for 4 months prior to that, you could see this. I also used the web browser function to witness this hundreds of times. I guess you missed out. Most all of my curios I even bothered buying were from before then. Also, the average curio rating is closer to 66 now, which makes it even worse. But sure, nothing was changed. Sounding like those guys who denied that 380s were gone for like 3 months too, lol.

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Untrue. I have been playing since POB and I recorded base rating values on and off for weeks before patch 4 and then again after for comparison. Before and after, the curio behavior was the same: 2 at a time in the Armory, and 1 or none in Melk’s. This never deviated in my observation and I still have the spreadsheet data. The only thing that changed was a better chance of high ratings.

Either you are misremembering or you are lying but either way you are wrong. And should just say so lol.

More ridiculous than that argument would be insisting that what I and others had witnessed and confirmed to be somehow false, and then request retroactive proof. Nice graph? There isn’t even a number of curios on it.

Here’s at least one topic on the change at the time: I think an unintended consequence of this patch is a much worse curio grind

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Definitely an implanted memory. It doesn’t jive with the graph…

It is RNG though, it’s entirely possible that someone can get only 2 curios all the time before the patch, however improbable it is.

Wild you can be this certain while being so obviously wrong.

I saw heaps of very involved, knowledgeable players talk about these adjustments when they happened. EG @coolcab who I seem to remember even made a post about how much worse curio acquisition had gotten when the change was made.

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