Dev Blog: Clandestium Gloriana Level Design

FS marketing messing up and CM having to repair the broken pots.

But at the same time, any comm goes through GW. So they also cleared that too


I feel like only thing im hyped for is new Jasper Kyt music…that im gonna listen on youtube probably :upside_down_face:

Is anyone excited about the map after reading this?

I sure am not.

What a f*cking mess.


Im thinkin about vox intercept and comments about plasma guns.

What if condition of a map just prevents plasma from overheating?

And… Literally… Thats all

it makes my avatar choice a lot more fitting. instead of them adding more 40k flavor universe here’s a literal too cool for school OC named Swagger. the actual state…

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come on ,psker need new weapon,this update have it?


Double makes sense in a cowboy game only, (maybe doom but it’s so comic book rules…) and tbh, in the modern world only semiauto really makes sense.

There is a pump/semiauto that’s popular with military/police, the spas-12, but the ‘pump’ is only there for special purpose shells, (like door buster shells, which might not cycle the action due to low gas.) So you load a door buster on top of 5 rounds of buck, bust the door, pump, and are on semiauto from then on.

I’m legit surprised we don’t have a successful modernized shotgun shell designed for semi being marketed. Sure shotguns are considered obsolete or entry team special tools mostly these days, but they are still popular. There is such a thing as a minishell, but it’s kind of fringe.

We could take a 12 gauge shell, use a semi rim or “rimless” design and shrink the volume about 45% and still get the same on target effect and radically improve it’s function in self loaders. Maybe make the end crimp a little pointed to facilitate feeding.

That said, if Fatshark would like us to use shotguns more, how about they give us a speed loader? Here’s Jerry Miculek , (well known for holding the title of fastest revolver in in the world, can outrun smgs with one,) showing how to reload for competition shotgun.

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But why is there so little information about the update?
its two days before the update and all that has been released is a 20-second mosaic video in Skulls and a text message.
Are there any trailers or other information?
Up until now there have been several minutes long trailers released, but has the game been so abandoned that they can no longer afford to make them?


I don’t know, but my bet is it was going to have radium carbines and lots of other cool things, somehow they messed it up really, really bad, (or someone with power thinks they did,) and they can’t release it.

So now they are down playing everything because they don’t know what will be in it, pretending it was just plasma, will give us a cash shop skin to buy and we’ll all tune out for another six months.

But that’s just a guess.


Man this is exactly how I feel about it. I can’t even put into words how unappealing the dark and edgy leather clad cool guy vibe is. It’s something a 13 year old might find cool but it’s so damn shallow and void of any actual substance that I can’t fathom how actual adults gravitate towards it.


That’s the issue with self-inserts. Self-inserts are shallow characters who are written with no understanding of their flaws or even their overall character in mind… and fairly often they’re unappealing to almost everyone but the self-inserter themselves.

That being said, I hope Swagger’s character comes in as a positive surprise instead of adhering entirely to his outward appearance as an edgelord.


Keep in mind we are talking about 40k here. That’s a question you’d be hard pressed to find an actual answer for.

I do agree about the character being Edgy McGee though.

I made up what I put above, but ever run into ‘my immortal’? Widely considered to be the worst fanfic ever written? Some claim it was a parody of fanfics, might even be true.

Opening is:
" Hi my name is Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee … I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I’m also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts."

Internet Historian did a full feature length performance of it, complete with the typos. “my immortal internet historian” will bring it up on youtube.

I forget who said it, but it’s been said that every first novel is the self as either Christ or Faustus.


I mean that’s certainly true for some characters, but ultimately, usually, them being that way ends up serving a greater story in some way, at least when the writing is good. At the same time, 40k has loads of interesting characters with loads of depth and substance. Even for a minor character like this one, there’s a pretty solid format for writing an interesting, cohesive character out there and you can find it with a easy as hell google search. It’s not hard to do better than this, being the point here, especially not if this is your day job.

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To be fair, Hot Topic is still in business. This is further proof that (more or less) adults enjoy ridiculous things like whatever “Swagger” is.

(Don’t you dare mention my extremely cool pink plastic sunglasses)

Counterpoint. He couldn’t be much more unappealing to me, but we haven’t yet heard his (?) voice. I’m sure Fatshark could manage some sort of sassy binaric screech to make me loathe him even further.


But you should be grateful. This was brought to you by mAtT wArd.

If he’s another Masozi or Hallowette I’m definitely out. FS has sadly missed the mark hard on characters in Darktide, compared to Vermintide 2. The only one’s I enjoy are Hadron, Rannick and the Kayex 8 guy (I can’t remember his name for the life of me). The rest is thoroughly annoying.


Must be some kind of Peter Pan syndrome. Fair amount of that going around in our time.

I feel this, but I’d add Morrow to the list of decent characters. But just like 90% of all video games this too is packed with that millennial, Marvel style writing. There’s a quip every other sentence and they’re never funny enough to be justified, they just serve to take you out of the tone and atmosphere and make you dislike the culprits. Not every character needs to serve a comic relief function.


This has been plagueing the industry for almost a decade now and I hate it so much it’s unreal.


Here, this’ll get you fired up.

My face throughout that video