Dev Blog: Clandestium Gloriana Level Design

OK well I’m excited! The new map sounds really fun.

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No, but another post I saw here on the forums makes the very good point that you don’t take tablets for burns or anything the plasma gun has been known to do to people, but you do take iodine tablets for radiation poisoning.

They inferred radium weapons, at the very least. I don’t believe for a minute that these are supposed to be plasma guns, they aren’t talked about like they’re plasma guns, and if FS releases radium weapons they absolutely won’t admit that this vox was supposed to be to advertise for them and they simply can’t actually manage getting content out on any kind of schedule.


i bet they just recorded this ages ago, planning to use it with the release of some mechanicus style weapons, but they couldn’t get it done in time. so the truth has changed and now they’re just talking about the plasma gun.

weird tho cuz the Plasma gun doesn’t cause people to catch on fire.


It’s someone’s self insert, or their fantasy-self-insert.

"Yeah, this is my like, inner self. His name is ‘Cool Darkstar’ and he has an infinite supply of like, throwing swords, because he’s too cool to throw knives, and he broods on gargoyles but he’ll get out of the way so batman can brood, if batman asks nice, because he’s COOL like that. And he’s thin. Doesn’t have to diet at all. And girls like him. ’



We infer.

Sorry, family of English profs, force of habit.


You were forced to say ‘may I’ on bathrooms, weren’t you?

You have my genuine sympathies. That’s a harsh way to grow up.


No, that was the public school system.


They would reply “I don’t know… CAN YOU?” and then be somehow unhappy when I’d get up, walk out with the comment; “Let’s experiment to find out!”


What is in the water in Stockholm that makes Fatshark routinely embarrass themselves like this?


We have no confidence in our game and weapon design so instead of releasing a cool and interesting weapon that would fit the tease of an “Admech toy,” we’ll just say they’re talking about the plasma gun (Everybody in 40k uses plasma guns!) —

I hate how much lying in your face this game’s developers and community management do. It’s obvious the mismanagement has prevented more interesting weapons like the meltagun and hellgun and a bunch of other 40k stuff from reaching us. Why is a double barrel shotgun being rolled out? Every game has a double barrel shotgun. Stupid


Just so infinitely disappointing we’re getting a double barrel shotgun instead of radium weapons. And they’ll come up with all kinds of lies and bull to justify the lack of cool weapons like radium, melta, etc. by just falling back on the idea we’re not supposed to be so powerful…

It’s a video-game. We should have a Storm Bolter, a Power Fist, a Plasma Pistol, the Lightning guns the Mechanicus have and so much more. Instead, they seem to want you to use the most basic of weapons; the Catachan sword instead of the Power Sword, a revolver and a double barrel shotgun.

It’s 40k!


That’s also why I quietly stopped mentioning the double barrel myself. The actual shotgun role is so small and already has one filler gun. The 2 shotguns that aren’t filler content work well. Will the double barrel add in between these 2 or power creep in the usual fashion?

At least 1H blunt power weapons, bolt pistols and 2 hand ogryn weapons aren’t already in and done well 2/3 cases. ‘A human Kickback’ sounds like another queue drop experience.



This isn’t a devblog. This is an 11th hour scramble, editing down a journalist news package to deliver less information to the player base than to largely irrelevant gamer magazines and blogs.

It’s hilariously clear that the actual players of this game are an afterthought to Fatshark.

Keep it coming, Fatshark. I’m absolutely disinterested in Darktide due to the lack of… Everything.

But it’s this perpetual Three Stooges hamfisted news, communication, and update delivery that keeps me coming back to monitor the feeds.

Fatshark, I’m laughing at you. Not with you.


They already went for the


None of the current archetypes should have Admdch weapons though.

Much less Radium that even in the Admech is exclusive to a specific group.


We don’t know yet if its a red herring for those.

My point is that Fatshark is already taking risks that may or may not cause confusion and/or frustration.


The emoji confusion stem more from the community lacking good will and playing along with it, and it having severe reading comprehension issues.

I don’t understand how many time I had to say that it was about the mission and not the patch itself, as in not pertaining to weapons, the itemisation and such.

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I don’t care! It would be COOL! That’s all that matters. It’s a VIDEO GAME.

Big Brain Moment: They’re not -permanent- weapons for us, they’re “red” weapons that we’re going to be recovering and using temporarily if we unlock certain areas of the new facility during the mission.

Or it’s just Fatshark covering bases. I do not, for even a second, believe this was the intended plan for the soundbite.