Dev Blog: Clandestium Gloriana Level Design

Nope, they mentioned in a comment below the vox that they’re just talking about existing plasma weapons.

That’s the first Skitarii image I had on my drive, it’s not meant to reflect the weapon, it’s mean to reflect the coming class.

(Hint hint Fatshark! Skitarii class NOW!!!)


I appreciate the copium. I’m more sad to see the confirmation of there being the 3 things we know of and no more. Freak needs more than a club…slab needs a gun…shouty too, the only ranged exclusive they have is the throwing knife (is a cloud of fire a range weapon).

I dunno… I get the feeling they’re trying to hit us with a red herring for now.

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Oh crap. I know what this is.

It is indeed going to be no new gun. They are going to get us all excited about the “new weapons / mechnicus content” and it’s just going turn out to be a just a skin in the store for the old plasma gun with some mechnicus frippery on it.

Machine God Damn It.


If it has to be Plasma Gun, maybe atleast it would be new Mark? They have model for that allready.

Not that I would complain, luv’ me plasma.

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This all sounds good but only 1 mission is a bit of a let down and not a good idea, we needed atleast 3x in this new zone. Most players are just gonna play it once or twice then leave until the next update drip feeding maps like this isnt sustainable to keep a playerbase

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Welcome to Darktide, where the hope radically outweighs the content!


I kind of feel like all of you at FS have been drinking.

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Well it’s nice to have had something released for the weekend, but Swagger the Disguised Mechanicus Agent doesn’t do it for me, I’m afraid. No interest in meeting yet more obnoxious NPCs and dealing with even more jerks I can’t shoot (you know, Hallowette does in fact cost you sales being the moose that she is). I hope the update will be spectacular when we get to play it, because Jesper’s (and the atmosphere artists’ work) deserves an amazing game to go with what they give us all.


you know the feeling when you misheard something but then it sounds cooler then the real thing?

ever since i learned warhammer wasnt an “american thing” but “british” in origin i see the lore “differently”.

and now my misreading inner lore has old geezer mick jagger showing me around snowy london backyards.

fits my latest barber visit with my ogryn having him match the closest to some tourist i’ve met years ago on vacation.

nice dude by the way but shall we say very “distinct” facial features :rofl:

Or they could take that lovely plasma pistol the enforcer bosses have.

They’ve literally confirmed that it is a plasma gun. FS is desperately trying to avoid confusion at this point due to all the backlash they (rightfully) get. Do you really think they would go for a red herring?


Yes. They earned the last backlash, they will earn the next backlash.

We just don’t know what we are going to backlash at them for next.


There is very little content, and it is not what players have been wanting.
It’s such a shame FS is ignoring Darktide, oh well not long until Space Marine 2


This was my first thought too NGL lol o7

this blog isnt the worst but the timing for it is very bad


Oh good, another NPC that’ll receive development in…ohhh, three years from now, maybe?

Just remove crafting locks, Fatshark. Just fcking give us the option to modify our weapons and to use leftover diamantine from years worth of play to buy the missing blessings we don’t have yet due to fcking RNG.


I dunno Isekai but I was kinda thinking that the King’s bodyguard from Red Sonya has lost some weight.


Right? “Swagger.” Just what we need, Martin Wahlund’s Totally Original Gaia Online Original Character, Do Not Steal