Dev Blog: Clandestium Gloriana Level Design

Sounds like that’ll be fun with pugs, now please don’t nerf it.


I love Darktide, truly. The core game loop is amazing, minus the issues with sound cues (still) and overally buggy interactions when there’s many mobs.

Truly excited for the update, just hope we can fix up crafting sooner than later because spending 100 hours to farm plasteel, then burn ALL of it within 100 seconds is crazy


As much crap as you guys get, you at least deserve credit for treating Jesper with his dues. Dude is an amazing musician and it’s nice to see him being treated well. Hopefully you maintain your relationship with him; he’s the heart and soul of your games.


Please rename this NPC - Swagger?
How about Bragg? (You know - Bragging but IN SPACE-FUTURE!)
It would also be a nice reference to “Try Again” Bragg.


But why do they seem to not know what it is, and it being a Mechanicus toy then ?

Like there are different Admech Plasma weapons sure, but they should know what a Plasma weapon is right.

The thing it sound like (tablets, Admech exclusive, heat) is more like an Irrad Cleanser or a Radium weapon.

Also different comments on the Discord and the YouTube are conflicting here (Is it the current Plasma, is it one of the 4 mentioned weapons, is it a totally different weapons ?)


I get the feeling that this video was written and recorded with some very different weapons in mind.


I did make it confusing with the first comment, which I’ve edited now. It’s referring to the Plasma guns that are already in the game. I’ve made the same comments on Discord and YouTube, so it should be consistent now. o7 It’s meant to be giving a glimpse of the Rejects entering the Clandestium Gloriana for the first time.


But why are they confused, and why do they call it an Admech toy.

It’s standard issue to the Imperial Guard

And what the idea behind making a whole Vox dedicated to it


Does this mean that there will be a time element as such. aka the final area will change based on mission progress prior? @FatsharkStrawHat

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Is there only one new MAP area?
I would be happy if there were two areas, like in Carnival…


Nice save bro. Nothing to see here :wink:


well after 7 months of hard work !!1!!1! they cant offer more cause the penance update wwwwwaaaaass so much work…

I bet maybe 2 people working at this game atm otherwise I wouldn’t understand this slop “updates” we got


This go in Ulgo brain box. Looking foward to snow, been while since Ulgo seen snow!


Looks cool.


the fruit was hanging to low , thought it would be a trap XD


Focus on the narrative is great but it gets annoying too fast in a grind-based game.

Allow me to present a preemptive apology for the buzzkilling sentiment I’m about to express, but this dev blog feels pretty void of… interesting information to me (heavy emphasis on the last two words, I know many disagree). Here’s why:

  • Don’t tell me the narrative. I’d rather find it out organically myself.
  • Swagger is a pretty goofy name and his appearance has too much of a “mysterious” edgelord vibe for my visual taste buds.
  • I also don’t know that I’d want that much detail about the flow of the mission beyond the basic premise beforehand. Again, I prefer finding things out organically in the moment.
  • In general I feel like the vibe of this new map isn’t really that distinct from what we already have, at least judging by what I’ve seen so far. The carnival was a nice and clear departure from previous zones in the whole vibe, but this feels way closer to what we’ve already seen but with snow, which is a bit disappointing.
  • Finally, whilst almost any communication is better than none, I still cannot fathom why writing this thing up took you as long as it did and why you decided to split this all into multiple devblogs and drag this whole thing out instead of just putting it all into one bigger post. I’ve done writeups for a variety of projects that were longer in length that included more data points and it took me maybe an afternoon, if that. This is like one A4 of text. What gives?

I’m happy the game is getting some kind of attention, but as always I can’t help but feel that it has that classic Fatshark “couple of degrees off” vibe.


Sounds great looking forward to it! :slight_smile:
You guys always nail it with Level design :upside_down_face:
I wish there was more to play for like some map of Thersium with missions to liberate sectors etc. Some purpose some goals to strive for.

Thank you for your hard work!


If we were to see behind the curtain here, it would be quite disappointing I think.

I suspect that a lot of these updates were probably conceived of quite some time ago. Probably before launch as they hash out their long-term plan for the game’s progression. Then they start to fall behind. They slot it into an actual calendar date but the code work doesn’t keep up with what they would like.

Consider the Rejects Unite patch around this time last year. By the name, you would surmise that was intended to be the update that enables crossplay and launches for the Xbox. That didn’t happen for a few months later.

Now, an update called Secrets of the Machine God and a pre-recorded teaser hinting at highly esoteric Mechanicus weapons? This was likely planned (back before launch) to introduce a bunch of exotic weapons from the Mechanicus armory that the Inquisition somehow got their hands on. Clearly, the under-pinning work either fell behind or the implementation proved impossible to balance or the plan just flat-out changed since that first storyboard. So they keep the update’s name, instead suggesting it refers to the map that comes with it, forget to alter the teaser (whoops), and give us the handful of weapons that they WERE able to balance.

At least it’s something’ it’s just a bit disappointing to think what it could have been.

On a related note, I noticed early on that this game would have a much harder time balancing weapons than VT2 had. In VT2, the technology level is all pretty similar. At the very least, they are mostly weapons that actually co-existed IRL for long stretches of time. Muzzle-loaders and crossbows and bows kinda all had a RL balance for a bit there and it’s not a stretch to carry that over to a game.

In 40K though, the technology levels are all over the place. In the Dark Heresy TTRPG, plenty of weapons are purely an upgrade over others. There’s only so much that can be done to balance a plasma gun with a bow and arrow. Since we already have so many low-tech weapons, I’m afraid that kinda dictates the level of weaponry we will ever have and limits what can be introduced. Or requires anything more powerful to be gimped somehow, much like the power swords having a 5 second activation, eviscerators not having a disruptor field, thunder hammers stun-locking their users, etc.

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lookin’ good

now please let me enjoy the new map at release day by giving it a prime spot in auric maelstrom, with different modifiers.

carnival maps had me waiting for weeks because for whatever reason it wasn’t showing up neither mo-fr 8-22:00 german time AND was a no show for several hours appearantly on the weekends.

after 6 hours clocking in it gets harder to tell the misses to wait cause i want to finally play the (then not so) new map :face_with_peeking_eye:

playing lesser difficulties isnt an option for it rather spoils my “first time”

same reason i dont do book penance, none of those in auric maelstrom.

so please let me no-life the new map on my wednesday off, the way “it is meant to be playedtm:saluting_face:

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