Dev Blog: Clandestium Gloriana Level Design

New Vox suggests weapons we don’t have???

Unless they are talking about Plasma variants.

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Will he be fighting alongside us or just appear in specific places to open doors and such ?


It’ll give players time to magdump into, what I presume, is an immortal Swagger NPC for 3 minutes before starting the mission in earnest.

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for the love of god change his name before release swag is too goofy


I nominate ‘Clutcher’


Tbh this new setting looks dope. Maybe there is something good in all this embarrassment FS feeds their players…

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It’s referring to the plasma guns in game (but some rejects were using the new weapons dropping with Secrets of the Machine Gods as well) :pray: (edited)


In-mission NPC. Wasn’t expecting that! Interested to see how he functions.


That sounds suspiciously like the description of an Inferno Pistol to me… Drakefire Pistols are back? :flushed:

Edit: I listened for a second time to clear my suspicions and it might be some kind of Radium Weapon instead. My reasoning? “Pills” (which I assume to be potassium iodide pills) are mentioned as a remedy related to the weapon’s usage.

You’ve definitely piqued my interest on this one… I wonder what his role will be both in the grand scheme of things and as a gameplay mechanic? :thinking:

I knew he wouldn’t let us down :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


We got goosebumps hearing in the mission for the first time. :+1:


This was the question I was trying to ask. 4 players + NPC in combat?


I kinda got the feeling that they delayed itemization update because they realized the fact that Space Marine 2 is releasing in September so they are trying to match that time to try keep some players in Darktide with itemization update because obviously if they dont have anything to show in the game when Space Marine 2 gets released every single player from Darktide will just jump to Space Marine 2,wouldnt even be surprised if majority of people would not even care if Darktide will release something on that time or not.

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His "swagger,” if you will… I’ll see myself out; I’m so sorry.


Such Edge, much dark


Is this an escort mission?


Additionally more of these blogs please @FatsharkStrawHat, they are very welcome.


dnr, remove locks

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I’m not ‘super’ enthused about a new NPC on the ground, but it might be an interesting twist and Fatshark seems really intent on adding lots of new stuff to each new mission (arena combat and the destructible objectives for the Carnival maps, for instance).

Probably a lot of dev effort went into making a functional NPC.

Good dev blog overall, like seeing these.


I would’ve guessed something like melta, volkite, or phosphor/phosphex weaponry from the way those two vets are talking in the Vox Intercept. Not a double barrel shotgun.

It must be one doozy of a gun. But I guess it’ll need something special to distinguish itself from the combat shotguns.

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Love the idea of the new narrative drive and an NPC fighting with us- escort/protect/help murder things with…
Looking forward to more lines between the classes too, some of the last few psyker and zealot ones were funny as hell. Hopefully this new mission will help us flush our characters out more and bring some new kinda havoc.