There’s a new Demon host bug thats making it change targets to other people. People are triggering the DH and quitting when it’s targeting them and rejoining. Makes the DH target someone else while they are fine. Happens 100% of the time and people are griefing the servers
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
Someone else triggers DH, quick disconnects and rejoins later. Making the DH target someone else unaware.
Yeah they should make it go after the bot, which would make the daemonhost an easy clear because bots have infinite stamina for blocking conventional attacks. Dunno why this grief gate has been left wide open since launch, at least the random lottery doesn’t kill 2 players anymore.
How about doing this: make it so that the game detects ALT+F4 keys and if it does when you reconnect you’ll be dead by default. If that’s not possible then make it so that if you disconnect for whatever reason, you’ll spawn dead. Yes I am aware that the game is unstable and we have a good amount of crashes right now, but we’ve had patches where they were quite rare. So once we’ve fixed the server issues and the likes, this will fix anyone that’s trying to cheese and/or grief in this manner. Yes spawning dead when you crashed because of a legitimate problem or your internet had a hickup is ass, but I personally prefer that. Obviously DH should go away once a guy disconnects so that’s just a dumb bug.
What build do you have to accomplish that?? Aas it knife or axe? We had a guy run ahead while we were doing the puzzle for the skull and disconnected right when we were in the room.
zealot, stealth, backstab, catachan mk3 knife and blazing piety. gives enough damage resist to just kill a deamonhost before it’s able to kill me, assuming im at full hp, have a health kit and my team is also shooting the teleporting annoyance