Defeat Poses

Doesn’t make sense our characters have victory poses when we all get wiped. Give us some custom defeat poses we can assign to our character. Feels almost like a slap in the face that our characters are like “Yeah we good! We stanced up!” meanwhile having just been absolutely curb stomped.


Also more poses :slight_smile:


Considering it explicitly shows our characters dead in the failure cinematic, it would make more sense if the hangar was empty, with some guards standing around and the pilot looking dejected in the background.

Aye, at least something to show our actual defeat, or they can do it like Deep Rock Galactic where our characters are being dragged on screen or dropped unceremoniously in a groaning heap.

i totally want a mr. bean defeat pose


I would love that XD Just drop from the sky and plop onto the ground, as if the emperor spat you out.

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