Deamon host is unacceptably bad and unfun

also D-host is so utterly easy to avoid that its almost impossible to trigger unintentionally
he is a sign.

im not scared when there’s a host i, process the whole don’t move into this area in like 2s and thats about every encounter we have with him

in L4D you’d atleast have the tension if the witch spawns in a way that you can’t avoid.

ontop of that once you triggered him and lose 2 m8ts its basicly back to the roots, not even remembering you where ever there, he should like start creeping around and hunt the group

so you get a sense of dread but nope back to the easiest obstacle to avoid like ever in gaming

That also an issue, boss should add challenge AND reward to a mission !
Iirc in Vermintide when you kill a boss you got loot in form of potion to use during the mission and dice to upgrade the quality off post battle loot.
Imo it could be a good idea to tie the killing of a monstrositie to the right now lackluster emperor gift.

two things: first, i dont think that adding counter play to its kill move would trivialize it, and were that to do so, the way to bring it back in would be to increase the bosses dps further. what REALLY trivializes it is ya know, side stepping it and ignoring it. id rather it be a cool fight than a glorified spike trap,

No. Firstly increasing it’s dps further will lead to more people complaining as less groups will have the dps to kill it before it kills your tank. (If anyone other than your tank triggers it, that’s entirely your own fault.) Your original post was essentially asking for it to be an easier fight to come away from without loss. Here is an example of how the fight would go with the mechanic changes you have suggested:

Daemonhost locks onto your tank and attacks, the whole party attacks it but fails to kill it because? (you’ll have to answer that one for me because I’m lost) The daemonhost then downs your tank and begins to channel it’s kill move. You then interrupt it, and it then starts channeling again, and you interrupt it again. Seriously? This is your idea? It downs one character and then stands over them ignoring you trying to channel while you chip it down and chain interrupts? Wow, such fun.

Secondly, not everything is about having to fight everything. That is what is really boring. An enemy that you don’t fight often but instead avoid, except for rare occasions when something goes wrong and a miss thrown grenade or gunshot wakes it, or a blast throws a player near it, isn’t bad or unfun at all. It’s an added complication that will sometimes but not always trouble you.

secondly you say do this on a lower difficuly but it goes the same on every difficulty with this boss bc the difficulty is just a matter of scaling, number of enemies and ai behavior; so the strength and game feel/balance of an individual move wont change. also the way you deal with the kill move is to kill it first and on lower difficulties teams tend to have lower damage so…that wouldn’t work.

If your party can’t handle it on lower difficulties either, then you have identified your problem right there. Scaling will absolutely make the daemonhost easier at lower levels. It has less HP, and it hits for less damage (which will mean it takes longer to down a player). The reduced threat of the daemonhost more than compensates any reduced team DPS. If you’re trying to run a threat 3 or 4 at minimum level and gear, and the daemonhost is causing problems, then you should be asking if you are ready to run those difficulties at that level, because that is a you problem not a daemonhost problem.

Also, clearly this thing is a riff on the witch from left for dead and im sure you’ll say that bc this ISNT the witch that means that theyre uncompilable and the deamon host shouldn’t be held to the witch’s standard.
but i do, bc the witch worked really really well and that was possible bc of crowning. let me be clear, i DO NOT think that even under the best conditions we should be able to one shot ANY of the bosses in darktide, what i AM saying is that the addtion of aggressive counter play to the witch made the encounter better, and id like that here. staggering the thing absolutely should be hard to pull off, very hard even, but i think it should be in the game

You can compare the daemonhost to the witch, sure, but just because the witch worked in L4D, doesn’t mean the daemonhost has to work the same way here. Slavishly following previously ideas is the way of boredom. Your position here though, seems to be a considerable retreat from your previous one, or maybe that was just the unnecessary hyperbole that people posting on forums seem to love using to make themselves seem less credible.

Now that we have established that the daemonhost is absolutely NOT unfair, but actually follows a set of rules that are easy to turn in your favour, we can see that there already exists a clear counterplay. Namely waking it with the most suitable character, and being ready for it with nothing else to distract you, then while it fails to down your ogryn anytime in the next week, you kill it at a fairly leisurely pace.

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i like the daemonhost, makes sense to have something super powerful if its like literally a host to a chaos daemon. Last one my group encountered we dummied it before anybody died.

The daemonhost is the best thing they have added.

Mmo’s like WoW had enrage timers where the boss would just kill the raid group if you didn’t kill him fast enough.

Its quite a easy fight if your team works together and is prepared to fight one.

Last night I was in a pub with a friend and one of the randoms said can we please fight it, it proceeded to rip him apart nearly instantly and then switched to me. I held block and kept backing up and dodging around and a teammate dropped a medpack near me and we beat it without me going down. 80% of the fight duration was it chasing me all over, but I still survived as a lvl 16 veteran(so no durability buffs)

You are not supposed to fight the deamon host.

The reason this sucks is because other players that want to fight the deamon host exist.

“You are supposed to avoid this.” “But I want to fight it so I’ll pull it.” You are actually just griefing the rest of your team.

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If someone pulls it on purpose, just head back and leave him alone. It solves the problem, he´ll die, you´ll survive, deamonhost will disappear.

That’s why I’d say it sucks. Because people suck lol

Although players are getting better about avoiding them. I still watched someone blunder right into one today and blame it on a bot.

No, learn to play around it, it is an easy boss to either kill or avoid. Use coms or chat, when you spot/hear one. If you decide to go for a kill, let Ogryn or someone with high stamina startle it. Then you pump your DMG, solved.

I had an Ogryn pull it the other day while the rest of the team was dealing with 2 trappers a horde and a bunch of other mixed armored elites.

He proceeded to die, while the other two got trapped. As I was running towards the trapped guys the deamonhost teleported behind me, told me ‘nothing personell kid’ and nuked me.

The Ogryn then started flaming in chat about how we were bad players who ‘didin’t help’ and how easy the DH is to kill.

I wish Fatshark just stated clearly, “The Deamonhost isn’t a bossfight, it’s a punishment for triggering it.”

It should just eat the person who makes it mad and eff off. No health bar, no way to stop it, just deth.

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Sounds like your ogryn was a moron, if it wasn’t the DH, something else would have presented him the Darwin award instead. This isn’t a DH problem, it’s a player problem. But this is exactly the sort of situation that leads to the posts on this thread and others calling for a nerf.

No u r unacepptably n unfun
Got em

2 ways to deal with a demon IF aggro’d

  1. shield ogryn infinite defense
  2. circle an object by dodging around it, pillar boxes anything thats not too big.

I do agree that the demon host lack of stun points is mildly frustrating at times but i guess if it was too easy people would just go around popping it, its a punishment for carelesness.

New fun Daemonhost fact: If it knocks someone off of a railing it will count that as one of its two kills. I watched it knock an Ogryn down a pit and was worried it was going to be on me next, but it pissed off.

Daemonhost is punishment for bad play and being ill prepared.

If someone spots a daemonhost that should mean the team should avoid using grenades anywhere near it, and avoid shooting in its direction.

Break line of sight with that rifleman near the daemonhost, he will come closer to shoot you.

When someone suggests killing the daemonhost, make sure you kill everything else nearby first, and have your tankiest or lowest dps player initiate the fight because its a dps race.

Whoever is focused by the daemonhost should keep retreating and blocking. Everyone else should lay into it with everything, if someone has a medpack drop it near the one being hunted when they reach 1 wound of health left as it insta-kills its target when downed.

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just get a player with a shield then it’s EASY MODE!, they cant break the hold down shield mode but they can push so find a corner attack it so it’s on the sheild dude and he shield hold down there and BAM, easy kill EVEN with melee!

find a way around if you can if not and you think you cant take the fight just make the 2 lowest health players aggro it and cut the losses and run to spawn
or let the shiled ogryn aggro it, bait it into a corner and use the special
otherwise i agree tho killing monsters and picking up scripts or grims give no reward

Yeah, my point is that the DH is supposed to be avoided so nerfing it is counterproductive. Pulling it intentionslly is griefing your party.

I agree there should be some way to stop the instant kill move. But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it overall.

It again is another idea added to the game to stop people from blindly running towards the end of the stage; if you do that kind of thing, having a demonhost sitting in the path makes you go O.o;; and slow your roll a bit. Usually there’s a way around it, but in my experience people are too crazy to even stop themselves from shooting it, much less explore for a secondary path.

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