Deadshot talent not functioning with plasma gun

Issue Description:
After trying it out in a run I immediately noticed the plasma gun alt fire isn’t functioning with the deadshot talent. After jumping in the meatgrinder I went ahead and double checked. The talent won’t show as active on the buff bar nor will it grant the crit, reduced sway or stamina consumption. I took the liberty of testing at least one gun from each of the other patterns and looks like the plasma gun is the only one that isn’t benefitting.

Steps to Reproduce:
Equip plasma gun and Deadshot talent. Alt fire away.


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Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

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To Devs- This is the third bug I have found with the talents and wouldn’t mind doing a more extensive test of all the talents/weapons combinations for a more extensive check and see if everything is functioning. Not much of a programmer but enjoy doing testing and such.

It never has. It was a talent in the previous talent system and it did not function on the plasma gun.

Plasma alt fire is a charge ability, deatshots works at aim down sights… A feature plasma lacks of… Its not a bug is a game desing failure especially when plasma is the veteran class specific weapon, a weapon failed to utilize class specific skills…

This failure in the game since beta and the devs refuse to acknowledge it so far…

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