Darktide not using graphics card

Not %100 sure what is going on but it appears Darktide is not using my graphics card. I am curios if this isn’t the source of my terrible performance in the game thus far.

Both of my friends that were playing with me have this as well. I am not sure if we are doing something wrong or if this is a bug/feature. Fatshark let us know.

PC Specs:
CPU: Intel I5 7400 3.0GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
RAM: 2x8GB

Both friends have much better hardware one having brand new pc with 30 series card. All 3 of use are experiencing the same as this photo.

Also curios who else is experiencing this.

Please have a look here, under “Ensure Darktide Uses the Correct GPU”: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/7709662432413--PC-How-to-Improve-Your-Performance-in-Darktide

Are you on a laptop? I don’t think the game will even launch if it tries to use the Intel GPU

@FatsharkJulia Ok checked that and yup its using the right one or so it says.
04:35:37.187 [Launcher] [Main Window] [SysInfo] AdapterId: 0 (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050) OutputId: 0 CurrentResolution: 1920x1080

@Satoru No its just a little older Desktop.

Tested vermintide 2 as well and it uses %30 - %100 GPU but also get awesome frame rate in it so wonder if something funny ain’t going on where its dumping all graphics work on the CPU for darktide.

I can’t seem to locate the launcher.log within %appdata%/fatshark/darktide, is this because Darktide is installed on an external harddrive?

I’m also having the same issues, I’m currently using:

i9 9770k
RTX 3070

and the game automatically detects and sets my settings to max only to have a constant 28 fps.

If I drop everything in settings down to lowest possible the most I get is 60ish frames but that can depend on map and what is going on. Either there’s a major optimization issue going on, or it’s not utilizing my GPU either.

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@Ling Mine was named “darktide_launcher” and is a text file.

D’oh, I’ve now renamed it as darktide_launcher in the FAQ!

@BeerGuttBill Thanks this helped me to locate it! I am having the exact same issue as you are having.


It still shows that i’m using 0% of my GPU when running DarkTide, with my CPU doing the heavy lifting with 50%+ of its processing dedicated to running the game. Hopefully there is a fix to this issue.

@FatsharkJulia Awesome keep up the good work Julia and keep us posted on what may be up.

Note that task manager isnt a great tool to measure GPU utilization. It would be better if you used a more widely used overlay such as the Afterburner overlay which tends to give more accurate results. Alternatively you can use HWmonitor

For example here is a screenshot of me running the Hitman3 benchmark which is obliterating my GTX1080. But windows GPU utilizaiton is extremely low. HWMonitor more accurately shows the GPU usage.

I remembered I have GPU Z installed and checked that and yes indeed it does seem GPU is being utilized but very strange windows doesn’t notice that.

For those wish to check on their own systems here is the website for the lightweight open source software I used: GPU-Z Graphics Card GPU Information Utility

I hope frame rates will be improved in the next little bit, a nice solid 30 FPS on the recommended would be well playable. Otherwise the game is coming together nicely Fatshark.

Ill try on my laptop next which is a little more powerful and try again on my desktop when a patch comes out.

I have the same issue, I’m running the game on my gaming laptop with RTX 2070 but for some reason the game chose integrated GPU when I first booted it and it’s stuttering every now and then. I read the link about " Ensure Darktide Uses the Correct GPU" and tried following the instructions (my drivers were updated already, and in the Nvidia control panel I ‘forced’ the game to use the GPU) but when I check the darktide_launcher.log it still lists the iGPU as the one it is using. Any help would be appreciated.

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Hello Julia,

I have a GPU NVIDIA RTX 2070 super, but in darktide_launcher.log, it is said :
"02:53:51.302 [Launcher] [Main Window] [SysInfo] AdapterId: 0 (Intel(R) UHD Graphics) OutputId: 0 CurrentResolution: 1920x1080 "

How should I proceed to make darktide use my NVDIA GPU ?

Please refer to: KNOWN ISSUE: Darktide Not Detecting or Utilising GPU Correctly

I managed to resolve this by going to:
nvidia control panel → under “Manage 3D settings” in the “Global settings tab” set “preferred graphics processor” to " High performance NVIDIA processor". This is under the global settings tab NOT program settings. Hopefully this can help someone.


I wanted to give you an update on my results. I had the same issue as all of the above where the game was stuck utilizing my integrated graphics card. I am playing on an MSI Laptop with both integrated and a 3080 RTX graphics card.

The issue was that MSI (Laptop brand) was using MSHybrid Graphics mode which was causing Darktide to only use the integrated graphics. Changing this to Discrete Graphics Mode in the MSI Center solved the issue for me and now I get 120 FPS in game. Hope this can help anyone else that might be using a hybrid graphics mode!

i tried everything there already and it is still not detecting my gpu. i have an rtx 2070 super. it running it just fine during the preorder beta.

Running on an
RTX 3070
Ryzen 7 3700X

Yes I’ve checked on the launcher page and I’m running on the 3070
But both the CPU and GPU tend to run at around 50% (checked with afterburner) and in some maps the framerate dips below 30 while still at 50% usage
RTX is off, everything running at medium

Ah, but I’m not crashing anymore since the beta so I guess that’s fine

I have tried everything and it is still not detecting my GPU. I have a Nvidia GTX 1070.