Damage Spreadsheet (for 1.0.5 beta)

Look at the 300 and 1000 HeroPower raw sheets instead, its linear in that interval and you can calculate it yourself.

Why would i do that if i turned off the damage rounding, and got all damage for 600HP that i need?

Because you are not going to be at 600 HP all the time? If you are playing with a pre-made party you are regularly going to go higher with bonuses and synergies.

Thats not how i do my breakpoints. Searching for needed power_vs % to reach thresholds is a work for simple calculator, fast checks here and there.

Also apart form WHC ping bonus, there’s no +raw_damage synergies with other heroes. Not gonna bother with that as it’s double the work essentially.

It was the version you put out for beta and it still had marauder mass at 9 which it wasn’t in beta if im not wrong. I think the 25% change was already in beta but i didn’t know the original value so I thought the mass of 9 is the reduced one.

Yeah, that sucks but I can’t do much about it - the data is being processed by a Google server somewhere and they decide what quality of CPU / network latency you get.

It would be faster if all the values were calculated by spreadsheet formulas instead of using a script, but I didn’t want to do that because I thought putting complicated spreadsheet formulas in every cell would be a maintenance nightmare. But for your purposes that might be the way to go: add your own sheets that use the raw data, which like EmpIzza says is in the 300 and 1000 HeroPower raw sheets. You can use linear interpolation to get the value for a given Hero Power. Note that the “300” and “1000” are using the internal power values, which are offset by 180 from displayed values (so 600HP in the UI is actually 780 internally).

FS mentioned that it is supposed to be 185 and that is should be fixed in 1.05, but that was before 1.05 release. Do you know if it was?

(185 makes sense, since 185 + 10 (level) + 5 (items) = 200 starting power)

I don’t think so - iiuc the relevant constant is PowerLevelFromLevelSettings.starting_power_level, and it’s still set to 180.

Does anyone know the finesse and strength boost of each weapon? I mean those spreadsheets are great but I feel like they’ll forever be incomplete without those multipliers.

@SquattingBear , can you double check for skaven_storm_vermin_with_shield health on legend?

Breed sheet by Unshame for 1.0.4 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PiWoQOH9LeZVlbHv5GvTaToet5wKW6AdpKDf35StcBI/htmlview?sle=true#gid=0
shows they have 40 health, while halberd SV have 39 hp.

Now in your breed sheet, they both show 39 hp. Have FS changed it?

Yes, looks like they changed it from 40 to 39 in 1.0.5.

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Do you mean the boost from Strength potions? I haven’t looked into it myself, and I don’t remember seeing anything about it.

Can i change difficulty? “File -> Make a copy” doesn’t work cause “make a copy” doesn’t appear.

You need to be logged in with your google-account.

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No, I mean, well, exactly what I meant :stuck_out_tongue: Each weapon has a maximum multiplier for each type of damage boost (finesse and strength). Those can be abilities, talents or potions and probably some traits. For example, you’ll do less damage as a backstabbing shade using her ability with a glaive than with twin daggers, because the glaive finesse multiplier is much higher than the glaive’s.

Thanks, but I have to change just difficulty or also another settings?

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Check the breed sheet. 1 = none, 2 = armored, 3 = large, 5 = berserk.


Ah, I see these are terms used by Hedge in this post. I haven’t seen them used before.

Nobody’s done a comprehensive data mine of buffs yet afaik, but I’m sure it will happen eventually. Hopefully UnShame will have finished his spreadsheet by then, because the way I’ve done mine isn’t very flexible, and I don’t think it could be used to calculate the effects of a Crit Power boost for example.