I like how the ironhelm managed the overhead.
I think its currently fine.
The crucis getting access to one would be a big QOL improvement
Reaching breakpoints needs to be addressed for sure
I like how the ironhelm managed the overhead.
I think its currently fine.
The crucis getting access to one would be a big QOL improvement
Reaching breakpoints needs to be addressed for sure
I think the Crucis horizontal heavy is well founded in that the entire selling point of Ironhelm is that its powered attack has cleave, but worse damage. But this being the case, I really don’t understand what’s behind the absolutely horrid useless moveset of Ironhelm. Right now Crucis is the only choice if you want to go hammers imo.
I also don’t like how the Oct 3:rd patch just changed the overall balance of the game so tremendously that the hammer no longer does what it’s supposed to. With that class overhaul all classes as a whole got massive power creep, so kill times are like half of what they used to be. To make up for that, they added tons more enemy spawns. Not only is the TH all about oneshotting things, it still can’t even do that on crushers without martyrdom!
Between the massively overdone spawns and the completely soundless trappers they haven’t fixed for 3 months soon (only made it worse so now the vast majority of trappers on T5+ are soundless including recently bursters too!), that stagger from the powered attack is a virtual suicide. At least FoF staggers the things around you, so you can use that to cover the recovery against the mobs. But there is NOTHING you can do if you hear a trapper’s gun go off the moment you just hit something with a powered heavy.
I just did several zelly runs today with the TH and in every single one the 3-4 missions in a row I went down often several times per mission exclusively to these cheating trappers. I’ve been keeping a death log for the past few weeks to track how big of a problem these latest bugs and AI exploits really are, but that only shows how many times I actually got downed by them. Trying to play with the TH really underscored just how often that garbage really happens, and how the times I normally get caught are a bare fraction of how often you encounter those soundless cheats but just manage to avoid them instead.
Imo the TH is completely unplayable right now. For the record btw, so far 4/5 times I go down it had nothing to do with my own mistakes. And of the times it was my own fail, almost all of them were me blowing myself up as a psyker playing around with wonky Scrier’s builds. So I know now that feeling like the gameplay loop got massively worse and the AI more unstable since Oct 3:rd was no mere perception illusion, it’s a statistical reality far as my records show.
Before the class overhaul I’d kept no records but by far almost every single time I went down was because I made a mistake and screwed up. That was one of the things I liked most about Darktide, that it was a lot like Dark Souls in that regard. Today? It’s about the opposite. Yes you need skill to even stand a chance, but ultimately it’s RNG that decides whether you survive or not.
Moveset on ironhelm is fine and super easy to learn to use especially given its improved dodge count. The crucis is entirely cucked right now. The Ironhelm hits all the same breakpoints and doesn’t get stuck on every tom dale and harry that scuttles out from between the thunderous cheeks of the nearest ogryn elite.
Another funny thing about the new shovels is how you can not only cancel out of the second hit with the vet ones, you can cancel and block like as the spade connects, if there was even a suggestion of successful hit lag. You are punished only for missing. Amazing how much more practical they are for like 1/3 the unyielding.
The shovel non-thrusted slapping harder than the ironhelm with max thrust makes me so irrationally angry lol.
Yeah this is it for me. Being able to forego thrust or slaughter on Crucis and still one tap any elite without Ult would open up actually using shock and awe giving Crucis a cool niche vs Ironhelm. I really think this is all that needs to happen for the Hammers. If people really want the overhead on activation for Crucis sure whatever but that’s way less relevant than the break points.
Minimally I want more impact cleave and weakspot damage.
For a “crowd control” weapon it really falls short, and it feels like I really can’t use it comfortably at all for anything but charged hits on big enemies. I think that’s because the Indignatus Maul is meant to be the CC alternative, even if it got changed to be a weakspot smacker in the end.
The boost to weakspot damage would reward aimed strikes a lot more without just buffing its damage raw. Not sure it really needs any buffs to its crit damage either.
whats its role ? why are we taking the thunder hammer?
its key problems are its a beta weapon in a year old game with revised knives new shovels, revolvers, the chain weapons just took its lunch money after the crusher rebuild almost made it utterly redundant.
its still a capace hunter in a world where everything is now a carapace hunter, heck my vet pure left (Marksman build) can drop 3-4 crushers per clip with a Mk5 auto gun! its just slower with lower damage and the huge downside in the new range focused game of being a melee weapon which means it often cant get to the target at all and if it can its going to get there too late.
how id rebuild it.
it discharges on every hit light or heavy, and neither self stun. bigger bang the slower the attack
Light hit chain one hits every non elite/special and does suppression area (this would make it safe to use around trash but be weak to elites/specials that wouldnt be locked down)
Heavy attacks have an inbuilt thrust style charge mechanic that increases damage/cleave targets and damage and area stun damage.
Push becomes a high sta cost move that slams the hammer into the ground big AE stagger +stun
Special - press the button enters target mode , highlight chosen release button makes you do a charge to move , leap and downward massive slam . should ragdoll/knockdown low body mass in area and do HUGE damage to target, high damage to carapace flak and maniac lower to unyielding
use should cost a charge that regenerates over time and fills a pool of low number (2?)
Look i like the entusiasm, but we all know that fatshark probally ignores elaborate reworks like this at worst and thinks " oh thats cool… anyways" at best. Thats why i was suggesting addressing breakpoints first. No real effort required for farshark other than changing some numbers.
Would what you suggested be cool? Absolutely. Is it realistic? unfortunately not
You have a combat stim running there? Just tested what was possible, and it was a max of 2 in an Exe stance with max MF stacks with 5-10 bullets to spare depending on crit RNG. If I get REALLY lucky in these sterile test conditions I can see 3, but no shot at 4.
If its with combat stim then I can list off a bunch of stuff that absolutely insta gibs crushers.
I like your ideas for the hammer though, but we can’t have another full on boss one shot mechanic. FS definitely doesn’t like that at the very least.
I think just increasing the cleave on it a bit, and letting it use the charge attack vs multiple enemies would be absolutely fine. It can simply discharge on the first few, and not apply on too many.
If that’s not enough change its weakpoint multi from its current 1.3 or so to 1.7 or 1.8
Like I said, they just did exactly what I said, but for different weapons, in the latest patch. And that was, in fact, in this reality. Nothing unrealistic about pointing out future points of focus for the inevitable future patches.
What you’re suggesting would just make it better across the board, and that’s missing the point. The point is to make it more in tune with its archetypal usage. It’s a single target, directed damage melee weapon. The Ironhelm already does what you mention and that is “the point” of it.
Sorry i wasnt replying to you but the guy directly above me, i messed up using the reply system
Fair enough. My issues with it are probably lack of experience.
My primary time on my new Zealot has been on dagger which is unbelievably op, and everything by comparison feels incredibly weak other than the new chaxe weirdly.
So my thoughts on the general use buffage was to make up for its incredibly poor mobility was for it to clear more conveniently.
I can see now it would probably homogenize its role which is something that’s happening a bit too much with weaponry especially in the ranged department.
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