Crucian Roulette vocabulary problem

Issue Description: Perk “Crucian Roulette” reads "+x% critical chance for each empty chamber in your weapon. There’s only one chamber in a weapon, so this sentence is really painful for those of us who know guns. Please change it to “+x% critical chance for every round missing from your magazine


I vote to leave it as is because it annoys one of my gaming buddies.
I kid (moslty), a lot of wording on a lot of things needs looking at.

That Perk is for the Revolver. It has 5 chambers and you can stop the reload at 1 bullet by holding the aim button. That’s what the Perk is for. +2%/3%/4%/5% Critical Chance for each empty chamber in your Quickdraw Stub Revolver.

That blessing is also on the autoguns blessings list.

Sure it is. Like the Energy Perks are on non Power weapons. Or second and third shot of salvo Perks are on the Kickback one shot of the Ogryn.

I was referring to how it applies to autoguns. If they reworded it to “every bullet missing from clip” or something like that, it would still be incorrect, but would apply well enough to autoguns and revolvers both.