Crucian roulette blessing?

am stupid or is this utterly useless? its on an headhunter autogun, wich has one chamber that only would be empty if your last bullet in your magazine is fired.

so whats the deal bad translation?

Crucian works the same on every gun that has it. You get 1 stack (+5% crit chance for T4 blessing) for every 10% of your mag that is empty. So for revolver you get two stacks for each bullet that’s missing. 10 stacks theoretical max but obviously your mag would be empty at that point.

It’s a BiS blessing for HH since they benefit a lot from crits and Crucian gives a LOT of crit chance on average.

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No, no, no - Wait.
That would make that description completely wrong!

Because Y% crit chance for every empty chamber doesn’t mean 10% of the mag is empty. It means, if I have a machine gun with 100 bullets and I fire off 20 bullets, I get 20 x Y% crit chance.

So if Y is 5% crit chance, at 20 bullets fired we’d already have +100% crit chance. And a weapon with 100 ammo would technically have +400% crit chance at 20 bullets remaining, because 80 bullets were shot, meaning 80 chambers are empty. Which means 80 x 5% crit chance = 400% crit chance

Am I stupid or is this wrongly worded?

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No the wording is garbage.

Really if that is how it works it should say “5% crit for every 10% of the mag that’s empty” but as usual their wording is either intentionally misleading or just plain wrong.

They really need to stop doing that.

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Okay good, that calms my nerves a little.
Because the way this is worded, I thought the blessing is completely bad on low-magazine size weapons and extremely powerful on high-magazine size weapons. I mean, it clearly still is, but the implication is way different.

Thanks for answering.

What is GG?

the wording is horrible no matter how you look at it,

every gun in the game except the revolver has exactly one chamber, magazine’s don’t have chambers the way its worded heavily implies its a revolver only blessing.

grenadier gauntlet i presume

You cant ever take Fatsharks descriptions at face value. They are either not telling the full story, see Preacher charge, or are lying to you.

Like Weakspot or Critdamage.
Some FS dev: “No you don’t get 50% more damage from Mercy Kill. Why would you think that? It states Weak Spot damage. That clearly tells you that it will only enhance the Weak Spot modifier!”

It was meant to be HH but got auto corrected. Fixed now.

And apparently the description isn’t even correct for the revolver, since it’s actually 2 stacks per chamber :confused: