Create the ability to change the language in the game settings menu

At the moment, you need to manipulate the executive files in the system folders.

For example, here are some explanations from the developers on how to do this:

I play on Steam and my method is as follows:

  1. Go to: appdata/roaming/fatshark/darktide;
  2. Find the file user_settings and in its properties uncheck «read-only»;
  3. Open the file, find the string «language_id» and change it to the desired one (in my case from «ru» to «en_US»)
  4. Close the file and return the «read-only» in its properties.
  5. Start the game.

It’s creepy as inconvenient. Perhaps it’s better to add such an option in the settings in the game itself (even with the need to restart) or the launcher (which would be completely ideal)?

Please indicate if I should move this topic from the General Discussion to a more specialized section.

An easier way to do this is to right-click Darktide in Steam → Properties → Language.
The option you posted above is a secondary option incase the Steam way doesn’t work.

We are still working on making this an option in game, but it has been shifted down the priorities for now with everything else going on!


Thanks for the feedback!

Of course, I understand that this is not the first priority to implement such a feature. But glad to hear what you have it in the future plans.

Also thanks for the method of changing the language through Steam. Didn’t know about it.

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