Crate ate my Scripture!

For context a group and I were running Mission Excise Vault Spireside-13 all was going well, nearing the end we had 3/3 Scriptures. Team needed healing opened a crate to find a Medipack to toss down real quick. Much to my dismay I could not retrieve the Scripture back from the crate as it looked “sunken into the ground”. All teammates and I tried for about 5-7 minutes from any angle or what-not to no avail.

EDIT: I will also mention I have done this on many other missions and have yet to run into this, so I don’t know if it is exclusive to this mission.

IMG LINK: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Had the same issue just now: found a tome, swapped the tome for the medipack in the crate, the tome got stuck and nobody could grab it again. Additional crafting resources like diamantine and plasteel are also affected, as they seem to be slightly sunk in geometry and cannot be picked up on some rare occasions.