GUID: 8a2784a8-7767-415a-b7dc-7411be5dfd2c
Log File:
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Every single game I get into crashes. I usually make it 3-8 minutes, then the image freezes, and I’m looking at my desktop next.
I put 300+ hours into this game before any DLC was released. At this point, I would have preferred this game didn’t receive any new updates or content, and just remained playable. That would’ve been nice. I’ve installed Windows Updates, updated my Nvidia drivers, enabled frame-rate cap in-game (that’s fixed crashing issues in other games for me), and my graphic quality settings have been on Medium and the Lowest possible settings when these crashes occur.
It’s hard not to be disappointed and frustrated. For such an old game now, I don’t understand why its reliability/stability has progressively gotten worse over time. Hadn’t played for the better part of a year now, and I looked fondly on the idea of picking it back up. This is a huge turn-off for me. I’ve never gone back to a game that I’ve had installed for years, and suddenly I can’t even run the game for more than 5 minutes without it seizing up.